It can be hard to watch kids grow up – especially when they grow up too fast.
But sometimes, kids simply repeat things they hear in order to sound more adult – or to get a rise out of their parents. Then the challenge is to decide whether or not you find it amusing.

When Sienna and her dad sat down to record a video one night, it was his way of sharing his cringe moment with the world – the moment when his (very) little girl told him: “I want a boyfriend.”
Someone knows how to push daddy’s buttons.

Is she old enough to have one? No, of course not.
She’s not even old enough to know what a boyfriend is, so there’s no reason to get alarmed.
Of course, with over 2 million views, we have the feeling people have had opinions about the whole thing since it was posted.
Dad looks concerned.

Sienna is just 4 years old – although when dad asks her to state her age, she says 5…then 8. The good news is that still doesn’t even rise to the level of a fake ID.
Clearly, she’ll always be daddy’s little girl since he tries to remind her that she’s only 3 – that is until he’s called out by mom in the background insisting she’s 4.

When dad asks Sienna why she wants a boyfriend, she can’t even answer without sticking out her tongue.
But, eventually, she comes up with an answer – “Because I wanna marry him.”

She might even already be dreaming of a white dress right now.
Of course, 4 is an age when Disney princesses and big fairytale weddings seem like the most glamorous thing in the world. So she realizes she’s going to need that boyfriend before she can have that party.

But wait. Now, dad wants to know why Sienna wants to get married.
Anyone with a 4-year-old want to guess the answer to that?
If you guessed “because I want him to be my boyfriend” you win the Children’s Circular Logic Award!

Dad seems perplexed now, as are we.
He’s clearly not looking forward to the whole boyfriend-husband combo, but then again he’s got quite a few years to come to terms with.

He’s not exactly wrong when he says “this is what I have to look forward to.” He might have to put up with that guy someday, but in the meantime, he’s got a lot more requests for things that don’t make sense to get through first.
Just take it one day at a time, dad.
The thing we’d be most worried about is the look of utter glee Sienna gets on her face when she realizes she’s scandalized her dear old dad.

Best game ever!
Dad’s will have to warm up to the idea as it is inevitable, but for the time being this funny Dad can put it out of his mind for quite a few years yet.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the adorable Sienna in a video that’s sure to embarrass her at her wedding someday.
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