Little Girl Breaks Up With Her Mommy
She has decided it’s time for a new Mommy – but everything changed in a hurry when she found out she would have to call her current Mom by her real name.
Chesney McDonald

Most people are familiar with the pain of a break up. Even if you’ve somehow managed to never experience one yourself, chances are, television and movies have prepped you for the process. Two lovers fall out of love or hit some sort of turbulence in their relationship, and the tough decision has to be made to end it. “It’s not you, it’s me”, and “If you love someone you have to set them free” are common go-to’s.

But it’s not only romantic relationships that can experience a break-up.

Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Apparently… You can even break up with your parents too…

One little girl knew that she and her mommy were through their honeymoon phase and that they just had to call it quits. It’s a tough call to make, but it seems like this girl just knows when enough is enough.

Although, she’s not for using the “It’s not you, it’s me” angle.

Its seems that it’s more the “I don’t deserve this” angle of breaking up with someone. With big crocodile tears in her eyes, she tells her mom:

Daughter: Are you being mean to me?

Mom: No

Daughter: Are you happy?

Mom: Yeah?

Daughter: I need another mommy

Mom: You need another mommy?

Daughter: Yes

Mom: Okay

Ouch, that’s gotta hurt! Or at least it probably would if this wasn’t a clear case of a kid attempting to manipulate her mom into feeling bad for her!

It seems like this Mom has had to deal with this sort of drama before.

She unwaveringly humors her daughter’s break-up attempt. The more she feeds into this charade, the more it becomes apparent that this little girl hasn’t exactly thought the whole thing through…

Mom: Who do you want as your mommy?

Daughter: Auntie Jean.

Mom: Okay…I’ll tell her.

Daughter: Okay Mommy

Mom: But you can’t call me Mommy anymore…

Well, this seems to have taken this little girl by surprise, I don’t think she had considered that if someone isn’t your Mommy, you wouldn’t actually call them Mommy.

And you wouldn’t call them Mama either, (unless you’re Johnny Bravo).

It seems as if this hard-headed young one wasn’t even aware that your parents have names of their own!

Daughter: Mama?

Mom: You can’t call me Mama.

Daughter: What’s your name?

Mom: Michelle

Daughter: Michelle?… You’re not Michelle.

She looks at her mom (or Michelle as she is now to be known) as if she had just told her own daughter that she was in fact a reptilian alien from a planet of lies.

And this little realization seems to have completely disarmed this young girl’s break-up resolution.

After a short pause while this girl contemplates having to refer to her birth mother as Michelle, she seems to come to an impasse. When Michelle finally asks her daughter if she’s ready to go, she resorts to dropping the break up and simply responding “Yeah Mommy”. Their relationship survives another day.

I guess all this mom had to do, was call her daughter’s bluff. Not sure of that works in a normal break up though!

Watch the full video below to enjoy this adorable attempted break up!

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