Postal workers go through a lot just to make sure that you get your magazines and cards on time. Whether they go through the frigid wind chills of winter or the heat and humidity of summer, they are there to do their work.
Stephen Garofalo has been working as a postal carrier for more than 30 years already.

With all the years he’d spent working as one, he has become extremely familiar with his neighborhood. He can easily spot anything that looks out of place.
When he saw a wandering child, he knew right away that there was something wrong.

He’s already seen the boy on that particular route. It was quite unusual for him to be alone outside.
He quickly asked the child where his mother was.

The boy was clearly frightened. However, instead of saying an exact answer, the little boy could only point to his house.

Stephen recalled to CBS2:
“When I walked up there, she was hunched over his stroller. She was unconscious, unresponsive.”
He tried to wake her up.
When he nudged the woman and failed to get a response, he knew that it was a medical emergency. He quickly dialed 911.
The first responders got to the woman’s house as fast as they could. There, they rendered first aid and brought her to the hospital.
There, they discovered that the woman had suffered from a bad reaction to some of the medications she was taking.

It rendered her unconscious while she was looking after her son. The doctors shared that if Stephen wasn’t there, the EMT wouldn’t have quickly gotten to her house.
Stephen considers the incident the biggest thing he’s encountered in his career.

For what he did, he was awarded a Life-Saving Award. It was given to him in a recognition ceremony hosted right at the post office he’s a part of.
Despite being praised as a hero, Stephen thinks it’s just another day at work.

He said:
“I don’t classify myself as any kind of hero. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Somebody was in trouble and I helped them.”
Even though he refuses to consider himself a hero, the woman believes he’s a really good person.

She said:
“He’s an amazing guy in general … You don’t think of him as a postman, you think of him as just one of the other guys that walk around in the neighborhood. Honestly, he’s like another neighbor.”
No matter what he thinks, Stephen deserves that award.
He deserves the praises, too. Clearly, he has a kind heart. He could have ignored the child and continue his work but he stopped to check if everything was alright. And it was a good thing that he did. If he failed to take action, the poor boy could have ended up losing his precious mom.
Because of that, people think that he deserves more than just getting an award. One particular YouTube viewer commented:
“A TRUE HERO, hats off to him he should get more than just a raise”
Watch Stephen’s full story below!
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