The world is full of wonders, and sometimes, the most astonishing marvels come in the smallest packages.
In the video below, a teeny 2-year-old named Veronica shows the world that she’s one smart cookie.
It captures a sweet interaction between Veronica and her parents, revealing her intelligence and adorable personality.

The video begins with a heartwarming scene of Veronica sitting at the dinner table.
She starts out by saying her prayers, showing her early understanding of faith and spirituality.

The conversation then shifts to a more worldly topic, where Veronica, with a hint of innocence in her voice, correctly identifies the President and Vice President of the United States.
Not bad for a little one who might still be in diapers!

As the video progresses, Veronica’s knowledge seems to expand beyond the realms of what one would expect from a two-year-old.
She correctly answers questions about popular culture, mimicking the catchphrases of famous characters like the Kool-Aid Man, Ric Flair, and Michael Jackson.
This not only demonstrates her impressive memory but also her ability to associate sounds with characters.

But they’re only getting started, as Mom has even more questions for Veronica.
The toddler expresses her love for her mother, mimics the catchphrase of the character Borat, and even identifies the sounds made by different animals.
From what it seems, Veronica knows a lot for her young age.

The interaction is so darn cute, it’s racked up over 34 million views since her mom uploaded it to YouTube.
Melanie wrote:
“I took this video of my daughter days after her 2nd birthday. This is just a small sample of what she knows. I took this video to send to family out of state so they could see her and her charming personality. She loves to perform. I had no idea so many people would be interested in seeing my baby!”

Veronica’s facial expressions and movements are adorable as she spits out answers.
She is asked about the color of her eyes and those of her parents.
With utmost confidence, she correctly identifies the color of her own eyes and those of her parents, demonstrating her keen observational skills and knowledge of colors.
According to What to Expect, there are all kinds of milestones to look for with a two-year-old child, like imitating behavior, pointing, following commands, and completing stories and rhymes.

The video is so precious, it even appeared on Animal Planet’s “Puppies vs. Babies” according to Veronica’s mom.
It even ends in a very funny way.
Mom makes the mistake of asking the toddler, “Who do you love the most?” to which she replies, “Daddy!”
Dad’s not complaining about it.

It’s a sweet video that is sure to brighten your day. You can enjoy it for yourself below!
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