Parenthood is full of surprises, but one thing you can typically count on is that your ultrasounds will tell you exactly how many babies you are pregnant with. Not so for one family in Oklahoma.
The Barnes originally thought that they were pregnant with one baby boy, but then found out in the delivery room that they were having triplets. When the mother gave this shocking news to her husband, she managed to catch his reaction on camera, and it is so sweet to see.
They thought she was pregnant with one baby at first. Then, they found out they were having twins.

The Barnes family was so excited to welcome their child into the world. Initial testing revealed that they were going to have a boy. A few weeks later, and at 20 weeks pregnant, the enthusiastic parents were told that they were going to have twins. This was all great news, but then Alisha went into labor very early and some circumstances changed.
Alisha had to get an emergency C-section, where the doctors told her some surprising news.
Alisha Barnes went into labor at 28 weeks. That’s quite early for a pregnancy, so Alisha had to get an emergency C-section. Because labor was unexpected at this time, her husband Chris was out of town.
While the doctor was performing the C-section, they discovered something even more unexpected. There was a third baby in Alisha’s womb, and she was actually giving birth to triplets, all boys.
The Barnes family had only ever planned on having 2 children, but Alisha excitedly delivered the news over FaceTime.
The couple already had a 2-year-old girl, so adding these three babies made them a family of 6. That’s quite more than what was originally planned, but they welcomed the adjustment.
While in the hospital, Alisha called her husband on FaceTime to share the news. It was such a bizarre situation, but she managed to play it cool as she was telling him.
“Wanna know something really crazy?” She said over FaceTime. “We have triplets.”
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Chris’s reaction was sweet. Although no one would be blamed for freaking out at this pretty big and unexpected news, he took it like a champ. In the video that is being recorded while his wife tells him about this development, you can see his face light up almost instantly.

Chris’s jaw drops and his eyes light up. Then he gasps a few times before ultimately breaking out into a huge smile and laughing a lot. Both of their appearances seem shocked at the news but happy to take on this new challenge together.
Having a few extra babies called for their life to change in ways they hadn’t planned for, but they were ready to do.
“We need a bigger house, a bigger car, a bigger everything.” Chris says in an interview with FOX 23. “But what a blessing…God we’re going to have a lot of fun.”
And because these babies were born premature, they had to stay in the NICU for two months.
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Their parents were allowed to visit them, but the babies had to be under careful hospital watch to make sure that everything was going smoothly with them and that they were healthy. Now, several years later, they have become beautiful little boys!
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Watch the video below to see Chris be surprised with the big news that they were the parents of triplets!
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