Mom’s brilliant graduation gift to daughter has parents online crying
This is so special.
Irene Markianou

When a person has a baby, they’re happier than ever, but they are also overwhelmed because the little one needs them 24/7.

Unsplash - Zach Lucero
Unsplash - Zach Lucero

As the baby turns into a toddler, parents are still alert because the little ones do risky stuff all the time, while at the same time, they’re starting to build a personality.

School years are great and also make the parents worry quite often because they want to make sure their child has good friends, they don’t get involved in weird stuff, and they study in order to get into college soon.

But, what about graduation day?

Unsplash - Leon Wu
Unsplash - Leon Wu

What about the parent’s feelings when their child leaves their teenage years behind and gets ready to move on to a new chapter in life that has to do with college?

Well, they’re undoubtedly happy to see their child move on, and definitely proud of them, while at the same time they are unsure of how they can go on without their “baby” at home with them.

As for how a mom’s heart feels on Graduation Day, it seems that there’s definitely pride and relief, but also sadness and regret.

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Unsplash - Ronny Sison

Why is that?

Sadness because no matter how old the child is, they’re still tiny in their minds.

While regret is about how they brought them up; if they taught them good lessons about good and bad times in life.

One of those women who spend a lot of time thinking about their child when the latter is moving on from school to college is Erin Percy.

TikTok - erinpercy60
TikTok - erinpercy60

A few days ago, her 18-year-old daughter, Abby Rose, finished school, and now she’s ready to go to college.

Her new life chapter will take place 9 hours away from her family house in Alabama.

So, her mom prepared a graduation gift collection for her, which will make her feel close to her mom when she needs to over the next few years.

TikTok - erinpercy60
TikTok - erinpercy60

Erin shared the wrapped gifts on TikTok and people loved the messages that accompanied the gifts and they wanted to know what there was inside each one of them.

Indeed, Erin shared with TODAY her daughter’s gifts, and, honestly, they made most people tear up.

One is meant for a cold day, and it’s a sweatsuit.

TikTok - erinpercy60
TikTok - erinpercy60

The other one is supposed to be opened when Abby Rose catches a cold, and it’s no other than tea, honey, cough drops, and medical stuff.

The gift meant for her me time is great; it includes spa day goodies, and even face masks.

When the girl wants to spend time with new people, such as her roommates, Erin has wrapped party games for them.

On the day that she has no time to do the laundry, she’s been covered thanks to a few socks and underwear, while she has been given a Chick-Fil-A card for any day.

Unsplash - Mae Mu
Unsplash - Mae Mu

Before midterms, she can order Insomnia cookies, while she also has a Starbucks gift card for when she needs a jolt, and an “A” pendant for when she gets her first A.

Finally, Erin, who is a brave breast cancer survivor, decided to give her a gift to be opened when they finally say goodbye.

Since her daughter is her “sunshine”, she’s already gotten a sun necklace for her.

I know, your eyes are already filled with tears- ours as well.

TikTok - erinpercy60
TikTok - erinpercy60

What a brilliant idea!

Watch the TikTok video below.

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@erinpercy60Graduation Gift for my daughter♬ Up – Movie Theme – Giampaolo Pasquile
