Sharing a birthday can be cool or it can be lame. The biggest factor is WHO you are going to be sharing a birthday with! Growing up with siblings, having your own birthday was a sort of relief. You were basically guaranteed to have a day set aside JUST for you and nobody else. The only thing that could ruin that, however, would be if your siblings shared the same birthday as you!
For one mom, that story wasn’t just true, it was doubly true!
Kristin Lammert isn’t a new mom by any means. Still, she has her hands full when it comes to her kids! Kristin, 32, recently learned that she may be the luckiest (or maybe unluckiest) mom around! Her first baby, Sophia, is absolutely adorable. Sophia was born on August 25th, making the day a special for one for the family – she’s their first baby!
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Years later and Kristin became pregnant again.
…and it was going to be a girl! Her second daughter, named Giuliana, was well on her way, and funny enough, the timelines seemed to align! Giuliana was going to be born right around the time that her sister was!
As the day got closer, Kristin made a guess that turned out to be dead on.
Kristin was convinced that Giuliana wanted to share a birthday with her sister Sophie! Sure enough, August 25th came around and out popped Giuliana! Nobody believed Kristin it would happen that way, but the little baby was there to prove them wrong.
Three years later and, you guessed it, Kristin is pregnant again.
This time the little girl is named Mia! Strangely, her due date was similar to the other two daughters. It wasn’t really likely that she was going to be born on the same day, right? The first time was just a coincidence, right?
Well, August 25th came around and baby Mia decided her time had come!
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Like her two sisters before her, Mia felt a call to see the world on August 25th, specifically! Now, with Mia born, Kristin had three girls, all born on August 25th.
“We were just in disbelief,” Lammert, 32, of Oviedo, Florida, told TODAY Parents. “The closer we got to Aug. 25 and the more that we joked about it at home, the more I wanted it to happen. … Actually, Sophia said that she was going to get a sister again for her sixth birthday. She was wanting that to happen and I thought, ‘Well, it could.’”
To make matters even crazier, each daughter was EXACTLY three years apart!
It wasn’t just on the day, it was the year, too! Not to make any assumptions here, but there must be a REALLY special date that happens 9 months before August 25th. An anniversary, maybe? Who knows! Figuring out how to make each one of them special is a task that a mom is especially suited for.
The next step is to see how to split a cake three ways!
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