“Do. Not. Settle.”
That’s the main point of the advice from Christian mom and wife Kari Boyer from Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania.
She recently shared her outlook on marriage after a single moment made her realize what qualities are truly important in a partner.
What makes a man the perfect husband?

Is it looks? Is it intelligence? Is it the way he makes her feel?
Boyer’s heartfelt post draws from her own experience and urges young women to patiently wait for divine timing. Only then will they know what God has prepared for them and prepared them for.

Boyer goes on to explain what she thinks is most important in a marriage.
She carefully points out that a husband should place God first and foremost, and should hold his wife and children as his remaining priority.
“Young ladies, when the season of life comes and you’re starting to pray for a spouse to spend your life with… pray for the kind of man that will lay next to your future 13-year-old, on the bathroom floor, praying over her because she can’t keep a drop of water down. Pray for a man that will carry her down the stairs, to the car, and spend all night in the hospital by her side. Pray for a spouse that will consistently put you and your children first, above himself — but NOT above the Lord.”

These confident words were accompanied by a picture Boyer shared, one she snapped in her house after coming upon a moving scene.
The picture is of her husband, laying down on the floor beside their sick 13-year-old daughter, comforting her in a time of extreme pain and need. This moment struck Boyer so hard that she was overwhelmingly compelled to offer her best advice to future young women looking to enter marriage.
She continued in her post:
“Pray for a spouse that will wake up at 6:30am on Sunday and get his family around and lead them to the House of God. Because, if he can wake up at 4:30am on Saturday to hunt… he can wake up at 6:30 on Sunday to lead his family to salvation.”
Boyer’s steadfast words paint the picture of a dutiful spouse, one that she tells women can be theirs too if they respectfully wait for the perfect time.
“Just wait. And while you wait, pray that the Lord would not only prepare your future spouse, but that He would prepare you to be the kind of wife He is leading you to be. Wait for the one God has for you. Don’t give pieces of yourself away to every man that crosses your path and shows you a little affection.”

Her sage advice quickly went viral.
With over 100k likes and 390k shares, many were also moved to comment and agree with her.
A wide array of commenters were also compelled to share their own testimonies to help illustrate her point.
Her heartwarming post was shared with the intention to help young generations reflect on their choices before making them.
Check it out for yourself in the post below!
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