Man sees kid 'tearing it up' in his driveway each night on security cam so he took adorable action
How adorable is this?!
Guido Gonzalez

Sometimes, having neighbors can be frustrating. Perhaps they like playing loud music at night, or maybe they let their dogs go to the bathroom on our lawns, or maybe they just don’t respect our property.

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

Either way, it can be difficult to “love thy neighbor.” And when push finally comes to shove, it’s time to retaliate. And that’s exactly what Dave Palazzolo did when one neighbor, a child, kept playing on his driveway…

In the most adorable way possible.

Palazzolo is a founding member of CanyonChasers, an online motorcycle enthusiast organization, and is extremely passionate about biking. He installed a security system for his concrete driveway in suburban Salt Lake City, Utah.

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

The system included both a camera and motion detectors, allowing it to easily detect intruders. Then one evening, Palazzolo’s alarm suddenly went off. At first, he thought he was in danger. When he reviewed the footage, he realized he couldn’t have been more wrong.

To Palazzolo’s amusement, he saw a little boy joyfully riding a bike on the driveway.

The trespasser was a four-year-old neighbor, Quinn, whom Palazzolo never met before. Every evening in the summer of 2020, Quinn would join his parents for a late stroll in the neighborhood and never missed an opportunity to ride his little bike on the fifty-year-old’s driveway, always alerting the security system.

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

But instead of notifying the boy’s parents or alerting the authorities, Palazzolo took matters into his own hands.

Using the cover of darkness, some chalk, and a little ingenuity, he went out to his driveway at night and left behind an admittance of defeat to the boy. The next evening, Quinn once again approached the driveway, only to find a pleasant surprise.

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

Palazzolo had drawn a racetrack for the boy to ride on.

Quinn eagerly took advantage of the racetrack, riding while staying between the lines. His fellow bike enthusiast also written messages encouraging the kid. In the viral YouTube video, Palazzolo gave a tour of his creation.

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

“I don’t know who’s having more fun with this,” Palazzolo wondered, “him, or me?”

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

But the racetrack was not a single-day project. For the rest of the summer, Palazzolo was dedicated to maintaining the chalk-drawn course. Whenever the rain would wash off the track, he would simply redraw it, using his driveway’s space to redesign the layout of the tracks.

Palazzolo then made a custom-built device allowing him to draw an even track with ease.

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

But it wasn’t just Quinn who enjoyed the racetrack. Other neighbors of all ages had fun with Palazzolo’s summer project. Children, teens, and even parents found it hard to resist such an inviting work of interactive art.

YouTube - CanyonChasers
YouTube - CanyonChasers

Neighborhoods are more than just a home. They are also a community. With a little bit of creativity and intuition, these small acts of kindness can leave a great impact and create many fond memories for the children.

Take some time to check out this viral video below and see the story unfold.

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