There is nothing as soothing and relaxing as a good massage.
Massage therapy does more than just coax you into a state of comfort and ease.
It’s purpose is to actually increase blood and oxygen flow, decrease pain, and relax the tissue. That’s why being shampooed brings the same effect. It may seem like “just shampooing” to most people, but the proper way of shampooing actually doubles as a scalp massage.
Since tension is often felt within the head and neck, the figure-eight motion of fingers gently massaging the scalp brings stress relief. It helps relax tight muscles, increases the production of serotonin, and creates a good environment for hair growth.
Grownups aren’t the only ones who get to enjoy good scalp massages, either.
Take a look at how perfectly content this newborn baby is at having her hair washed.
Without a care in the world, the newborn just loosened up completely as the nurse began the routine, all the while supporting the back of the baby’s neck with a firm hand.
Lightly but thoroughly, the experienced nurse works her fingers around the baby’s head.
The sleepy newborn enjoys it so much that she slowly opens and closes her eyes and mouth in contentment.
More than the delicate way the nurse massages the shampoo onto the baby’s scalp, the baby’s contentment could also be from the quiet environment, the soft sound of trickling water, and the nurse’s gentle touch.
The baby may not be able to see completely yet but there are instances wherein her eyes are open longer, seemingly studying the face of the nurse thoughtfully.
Ah, the delightful things we come up with out of admiring these little ones and their candidness.
If babies could talk, this one would probably either express satisfaction by complimenting the nurse’s expert way of shampooing or request that her mom and dad be taught the same technique so she could continue to enjoy bath time when she leaves the hospital.
Babies have it so easy. They’re bathed, fed, and entertained 24/7. Each cry results in a grownup rushing to soothe, whether with a warm bottle, snuggles, or toys. With zero idea of everything else going on around them, babies are completely dependable. And when they’re well taken care of, they’re actually quite expressive about it.
This little one is the perfect example of how pampered babies really are.
They’re so adorably clueless about why these things are necessary. All they seem to care about is that it feels good: it’s comforting and puts them at ease, therefore it should be done continuously.
Even the process of rinsing out the shampoo seems to soothe the newborn baby.
If you think the rinse is the final part, well you haven’t seen the hair brushing yet. Baby hair brushes are super soft. Aside from grooming, this type of brush also helps redistribute oil for healthier hair. And once again, this little one basks in it all, keeping her eyes closed while her hair is being brushed.
It’s quite relaxing to watch her, too!
See how the adorable newborn gets pampered below.
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