Kids…you never know what they’re going to do. To them, everything in life is an adventure although the parents might disagree. But here’s the great thing. With the interest, millions of individuals around the world get to enjoy videos posted by moms and dads of their children doing…well…all sorts of things.
Something else to consider is that once a video is uploaded to social media, it becomes a permanent part of history. That means as these silly kids grow up, they have the chance to see some of their best antics. Perhaps that’ll prepare them for when they become parents.
Gone viral
So, what kind of videos are we talking about? A perfect example is one from 2012. To date, it’s been viewed more than 1.4 million times and for good reason. It involves a father who caught his kids in the bathtub.

What’s the big deal?
Okay, it’s not all that uncommon to find young siblings playing in the tub. With incredible imagination, they come up with all sorts of ideas. After all, the bathtub is kind of a cool place where children can pretend that they’re on a boat or inside a quirky clubhouse. But in this case, the dad discovered something entirely different.

Pulling back the curtain
After discovering a huge mess involving paint downstairs and with his boys missing, he decided to investigate. Once in the bathroom, he pulls back the curtain and can’t believe what he sees. There, his two boys are sitting in the bathtub — covered in paint. And we don’t mean just a little bit of paint but a lot.

They’re shocked
As soon as they see their dad, their facial expression changes. It’s no longer about having fun but more like, “Uh oh, we’re in big trouble.” You can see it in their eyes…these brothers know they went a little bit too far…this time.

“Whose idea was this?”
Those were the first words out of the dad’s mouth. And his voice is stern, which indicates he’s serious. He doesn’t sound very amused. In response…crickets. The only reply given was when the older of the two boys shrugs his shoulders as if saying, “I don’t know.”

“Look at your brother’s face”
Those are the next words spoken by this dad. Talking directly to the older child, he tells him in the same stern voice to look at his brother’s face. Again, the boy doesn’t say a word. But he does turn toward his brother to look at his handiwork.

More questions
While it’s hard not to laugh throughout the entire video, this part is downright hysterical. When the dad asks, “Who got the paint out,” the older boy first rolls his eyes. But a split second, he had no problem throwing his little brother under the bus by pointing at him. That’s when the younger toddler covers his face with his hands.

Explaining the situation
In response to where they got the paint, the older boy tells the dad his little brother built some stairs to reach it. Dad then reminds him that as the older brother, he should’ve told him no…that wasn’t a good idea.

The dreaded question
But then the dad asks the question both boys hoped he’d gloss over. “Are you boys in trouble?” It’s at that moment the camera zooms in on their faces. That’s when you can see just how much painting they did…what a mess.

Sweet response
First, the older boy says, “Yes, daddy” in the cutest voice ever. Quickly, his brother chimes in with his own “Yes, daddy,” which is just as sweet. Now, the dad wants to know what they should do. This is when he tells the boys that not only did they make a mess of themselves but they also got paint everywhere downstairs.

He can’t take it
The dad suggests he should give them a time out…they both shake their heads no. Then he suggests not giving them any more juice. But the way he phrases the question confuses the boys. So, the older one shakes his head no while the younger one isn’t sure what to do…until he watches his brother and then he too, shakes his head no. That’s when the dad loses it.

The laughter begins
At this point, the dad can’t contain himself any longer and he begins to laugh. Even more confused, the older boy asks, “What’s so funny?” Then at the 2:22 mark in the video, the dad lets out the biggest laugh ever.

If you want to see how this hilarious video ends, we invite you to click on it below. You’ll find yourself rolling on the floor…it’s that funny.
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