Playing house isn’t always fun…but it can be funny.
Students in Mrs. Andrea Lefebvre’s Raising Healthy Children class at Chippewa Secondary School were offered a rare glimpse into the world of parenting. And we were offered a glimpse of the hilarity that ensued.
During the class’s Newborn Unit, the teens became parents to adorable battery-operated babies.
Although they were fake, they were programmed to react much like an infant to various situations.
The students had to take the babies home over a weekend and care for them as part of their annual class project.
This sounds easy enough right? What could go wrong with a bunch of teens taking care of infants? Well, as predicted the little bundles of joy sent the students right into panic mode.
The resulting text messages that were sent from the students to Mrs. Lefebvre were too great not to share. They were a hilarious mix of desperation, irritation and denial.
Mrs. Lefebvre decided to post the project on social media and include the text messages from the students.
The post immediately went viral and the reactions were priceless.
The students were responsible for taking care of their babies, which meant feeding, changing diapers, rocking, burping and comforting them when they cried.
The babies were also equipped with a recording feature that monitored abuse, temperature and rough handling.
“Our students are in a grade 11 class called Raising Healthy Children,” said Mrs. Lefebvre. “The students bring home one of the Real Care babies for the weekend to apply their learning for the caring for a newborn unit.” – Bored Panda
The post was so popular that Lefebvre was even contacted by The Kelly Clarkson Show for an interview about her students.
The post reached an astounding 3.3 million Facebook feeds.
We can all be grateful that these teens only had fake babies.
One student sent a text to the teacher asking if they could put the baby in their bag. She replied with a simple ‘no’ and told them that they need to carry the baby in the carrier. The student wasn’t too thrilled because it was cold out. The message had others laughing at the fact that teens don’t realize that the baby’s needs always come first.
Another student told the teacher they needed ‘quiet time.’ The teacher simply texted back that no, she could not add quiet time.
“Students look forward to this unit when they register for the course. We really love this unit. Great discussions and real-life learning.” – Mrs. Lefebvre – Bored Panda
Real Care babies are used by educators around the world to provide a unique learning aid. The babies offer an opportunity for students to learn about early childhood, parenting, infant health lessons and sex education. –
“Through the chaos that is child-rearing, we can reach out to find support, find humor in the crazy situations and with love and guidance, know that our kids will be ok!” – Mrs. Lefebvre. – Bored Panda
The replies from people all over the world were just as entertaining.
Although the teens and babies may have been whining, we thank them for making us smile and laugh.
We are also happy to report all babies are doing ok after their ordeal….even baby Lucy.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: Facebook – Chippewa Secondary School, Bored Panda,