On the heels of father’s day, it’s a good reminder to know just how far a dad will go to make sure his family is safe and comfortable. The drive to love and protect family is one that nearly every dad understands and it’s stories like this that show us just how far dads will go to care for the ones they love!
A recent picture hit the internet and was soon viral.
Sara Duncan, the woman who took the photo, also happens to be married to the man featured in the photo! As the photo shows, Sara’s husband was fast asleep on the floor of a hospital with his head securely tucked into an empty car seat. The story behind it is even more heartwarming than the photo itself.
Sara Duncan has two kids and a husband, Joe Duncan.
The two are from Fredericktown, Missouri, and Sara works as a school teacher. The picture came as a later result of needing to take their daughter to a hospital after the child started seriously wheezing.
Joe is a cement technician and had just finished a 12-hour shift.
His job is HARD and a 12-hour day isn’t easy no matter the profession. He had worked and finished up his shift on March 23rd when his wife let him know that she was concerned with their little one. She was wheezing and Sara thought an evaluation was needed.
Joe had a morning shift a few hours later and it was already turning into a long night.
Instead of not going to the hospital, Joe just brought in some clean clothes and drove an entire hour, at night, to the hospital where his wife and kids were. Sara explained why he was so adamant about being there:
“He’s a ‘I have to be with you’ type of guy,” Sara Duncan said. “I knew that he was exhausted. I said, ‘Stay home. I know my way at [the hospital], and he was like, ‘No. You’re not going up there by yourself.'”
Nearly two hours later, their kid was cleared and they could go home.
When Sara went to go grab Joe, however, she saw that he had fallen asleep.
“I was looking at him thinking how thankful I am for him and how I wouldn’t want to do this life without him,”
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