Baby Skye and her six-year-old sister Selah didn’t have the best home life. Addiction took a front seat in their lives and the girls needed a fresh start.
In May 2018, the sisters were whisked away and found themselves placed into the foster care system of Texas. But they were blessed to be delivered to foster parents Suzanne and Colt Scott.

As soon as the girls entered their home, the Scotts just knew in their hearts that the sisters were where they belonged. In two years’ time, the family bonded tightly and the Scotts decided to adopt the little darlings, adding them to their crew of kiddos Ryder, Sydney and Jett.
“We met Selah first. She’s witty, she’s funny, she’s very different. There is a spirit about her that is wise beyond her years. Skye, she’s a firecracker. She loves to hug and kiss and she has a strong personality, for sure. She’ll be the first female president.”
It turned out that the girls would be the 999th and 1,000th adoption for The Children’s Home of Lubbock, a foster and adoption organization.
“Any time we can bring a new family together is a momentous occasion, but today was historically special … Thank you, Scott family, for including us in your journey, and we wish you a lifetime of happiness. To God be the glory!”
Selah had excitedly mentioned at school the fact that she was about to be adopted. She was so thrilled that she just couldn’t stop talking about it.
Her classmates and her teacher saw the little girl simply bloom before them as she assimilated herself into her new family. They were so happy for her!

Little did she know that her second-grade teacher Ms. Ramirez was planning a big surprise to help Selah and her sister celebrate them becoming a part of their forever family.
When the girls and their loved ones sat in the courtroom at the Lubbock Courthouse before Judge Hatch, 13 classmates filed in. The kiddos sat there waving and cheering them on.

The judge couldn’t believe what he was seeing!
“I can tell by this courtroom being probably as full as it ever has been in my 10.5 years that there is a tremendous amount of support for this proposed adoption.”

Selah couldn’t believe it! In fact, she broke down and cried tears of joy. Her mom Suzanne felt the same way.
“It was the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen. She burst into tears and [the kids] got to sit in the jury box, which was so cute. She covered her face with both hands and couldn’t look up because she started crying. [W]e needed them in our lives just as much as they needed us.”

Jimmy Moore, president of the Children’s Home of Lubbock, said the event was “uplifting and heart touching.”
“I can’t imagine better parents for these two girls, people who give their hearts entirely for their children. This is a huge victory for us, and I hope to have many more down the road. With all the negativity that circulates throughout the world today, this was a moment that God’s light illuminated the entire courtroom. I was able to experience a little touch of heaven that day.”

Even though the day was a milestone for the girls and cemented their future with the Scotts, Suzanne said for her and her husband, it merely signified the love they’ve had for the girls who have been their daughters from day one.
“This has been so natural and just so normal for us today, that is was just a piece of paper that was signed honestly. I tucked all five kids in bed last night, I’m gonna tuck all five in bed again tonight.”
What a wonderful gift of support and love the kiddos and the teacher gave to Selah and her sister. How blessed this family is!
According to the U.S. Census, there are an estimated 1.5 million children who have been adopted in America just like Selah and Skye.

Adoption can save children from unfavorable conditions and give them a fresh start to a new life. Adoption can show children what it means to be loved.
Watch the girls officially become a family and Selah’s beautiful reaction to her classmates in the courtroom in the video below. It’s so sweet!
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