Father and daughter, Mat and Savanna Shaw, started 2020 like everybody else. They were living a normal life in Utah. Flash forward to December of 2020 and the daddy and daughter musical duo are performing at one of Utah’s most legendary venues, The Tabernacle.
The year might have started off normal but with one viral video of the duo singing and their life has completely turned upside down.

When the first quarantine started in 2020, Savanna Shaw did not want to lose contact with her music friends. So, she created a musical social media account to keep in virtual contact. Savanna was nervous to post a solo video. She enlisted the support of her father, Mat Shaw, and asked him to record a duet for her first video.
Their first video singing “The Prayer” quickly went viral and has been viewed over 8 million times.

Mat and Savanna’s life have not been the same since that moment.
The duo continues to post songs together but they have also released two albums together too. Their latest album is a Christmas album titled, “Merry Little Christmas.” The father and daughter duo’s voices harmonize so beautifully that a Christmas album is perfect for their combined talents. The album has seven Christmas songs included and one of those songs is “O Come All Ye Faithful.”

“What do you think of this arrangement of ‘O Come, All Ye Faithful’ arranged by the great Stephen Nelson? It has become one of our favorites from the our new Christmas album, ‘Merry Little Christmas.’ It has this joyful energy attached to an invitation to ‘Come Adore,'” Mat and Savanna ask.

Mat and Savanna were able to perform the Christmas classic at The Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Tabernacle is one of the most legendary vocal venues in the United States. The Tabernacle was built by the Church of Latter-Day Saints in 1867 and is home to the world acclaimed Tabernacle Choir.
“The dome-shaped auditorium is so acoustically sensitive that a pin dropped at the pulpit can be clearly heard at the back of the hall, 170 feet away,” the official website states.

Mat and Savanna state that singing at The Tabernacle was a bucket list performance. It is so joyous that father and daughter were able to sing together for such an amazing moment in each of their lives.

Mat and Savanna were honored to sing at The Tabernacle. The father and daughter should be so proud of their performance. The duo performed as if they have performed their a thousand times before. Their nerves are nowhere in sight as they beautifully sing “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” Mat and Savanna both have such talent and when it is combined it is a beautiful sight.

The eclectic choice of musical instruments only adds to the unique performance.
Mat and Savanna were backed by an electric guitar, acoustic guitar and drummer. Drums and an electric guitar are not usually associated with Christmas songs but the unique choice is perfect for Mat and Savanna’s performance.

Watch Mat and Savanna’s beautiful Christmas performance at The Tabernacle right below!
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