This is one and a half year old big sister Henley, and she will not let anyone else hold her new sister Peyton. She snuggles with her baby sister inside a bassinet in a Pennsylvania hospital.
Henley, at such a young age, already knows she has to protect her younger sister whatever the cost.

That’s instinct right there.
Peyton’s got an instant best friend, protector, and… a love-hate relationship.
You read that right. But of course it’s a case to case basis. Sibling rivalries differ but it arguments are inevitable. Sisters have a special knack for getting under your skin.

Sister-sister relationships tend to have both fighting like cats and dogs or acting like best friends.
Henley and Peyton will get along just fine. They may grow up to have a lot of similarities or none at all and that won’t matter. Henley looks like she’ll support her sister either way.

Research does show that our siblings will be our playmates, collaborators, role-models, protectors and sources of pride and envy. From birth onwards, our siblings are the only people that will be with us.
That means they will be one of the greatest influences in terms of our development and mental health.

People don’t realize it but having siblings is in a way, training for life ahead.
Siblings are raised in the same environment making them super comfortable in the same place. They relate to each other like no one else can. Not even their soon to be classmates and friends.

It’s really all about how families organize themselves. Positive sibling relationships help kids learn to cope with the impact of negative daily experiences both mentally and emotionally.
Cambridge University psychologist Terri Apter found that the relationship between sisters is one of the most complex. Apter found that it shapes the relationships girls develop throughout their lives with friends and colleagues.

Women don’t always realize it but they relate to others similarly to how they relate to their sister.
Apter found that when a sister looks and acts similar to her other sister, they tend to fight just to establish each other’s own identity and personality. One feels threatened within the family, and that could spill out in the real world.
Insecurities and jealousy can develop.

And while jealousy is common within siblings, it is ultimately up to the parents in the end.
With Henley and Peyton here, they may have a few fights here and there but judging by the way big sister is refusing to let anyone touch her baby sis, it’s going to be a wonderful relationship.

Mom and dad are doing an amazing job, teaching the little toddler to be protective of her new baby sister.
“How very sweet! These little girls are going to have an amazing bond. I’m so happy to see the parents supporting their older daughter’s feelings.” says a viewer.
They respect Henley’s feelings, letting her absorb and enjoy the moment.
Just imagine when both girls are much older and they see this video. Proof that Henley, at such a young age, already loved her sister.
See how close Peyton is to Henley below!
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