Finding the perfect gift isn’t always easy, especially for someone as special as your mom.
A man named Kevin Duggan came up with a brilliant idea for what to get his mom, and it’s not your typical bundle of fuzzy socks. He decided to shave off his big bushy beard and surprise her with a clean-shaven face.
But that’s not all. Like the bow on top, he filmed the shaving process so she could hold onto the memory forever. Aww!
The question was, how would Kevin’s mom react to her Christmas gift?

As moms, it doesn’t matter how old our kids get, they’ll always be our babies. So, it makes sense that sometimes we might stick our noses in areas that aren’t really under our control.
For Kevin’s mom, she hated his beard! He had grown it to be a massive size – and she hoped that one day he’d ditch it. Likely she just missed seeing her baby’s handsome cheeks (which is totally understandable).
That’s why Kevin knew that the perfect gift for her was literally right in front of his face. A few days before Christmas he picked up an electric razor, hit record, and got to work.

Get ready for a whole new Kevin!
If you’ve ever had someone in your life grow a gigantic beard, then you know it can make them look like a different person. With that being said – it can also be a crazy shock seeing them after they shave it off again.
In the video, Kevin too starts looking unrecognizable the more and more facial hair he gets rid of. Wait, who is that under there?

Kevin, who’s a professional dog trainer, eventually gets to the point where his beard is gone. All he has left is a an oversized mustache.
As he begins messing with it, you start thinking he might be done shaving and keep the ‘stache… Fortunately for his mom though, he refocuses and gets back to work. Pheww!
Once Kevin’s clean-shaven face finally emerges he actually looks like a movie star!
Many people online thought he resembled the Captain America character, Steve Rogers. Or, the actor Chris Evans who played the character in the film.

It was finally time for Kevin’s mom to receive her Christmas present.
In order to capture her surprised reaction, he set up a camera in the kitchen while she was out. Then, when his mom returned, Kevin kept his back turned away until she walked into the room.
Let’s just say it takes the mom a second to adjust. She looks curiously at her son for a moment, until it finally clicks. Yay, it’s actually Kevin and his beard is finally gone!
She has to ask, though:
“Is it you? Is it really you?”

Kevin reveals to his mom that he shaved his beard as a Christmas gift to her. And for that, she gives him a huge hug.
There’s no doubt he earned some kind of extra-awesome son points!
Like many other beard-shavers, Kevin decided to share the video online.
In the description he wrote:
“My mom hated my beard. With that in mind I couldn’t think of a better Christmas gift for her. I decided to record it so she could always see it.”

You can watch Kevin surprise his mom with the best…gift…ever in the clip below! Who knows, maybe it’ll inspire you to do something unique this year too.
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