Graduating is a big deal no matter who you are. And whether it’s elementary school or graduate school, it’s an accomplishment to celebrate.
Most of us get to share these special times with loved ones.
But sometimes, life gets in the way of being able to do that.
During those times, we have to think of other ways to connect with the people we care about who are no longer alive. Some people have heartwarming ways of doing just that.
PJ Marshall had just graduated and he was excited as can be. It was a huge accomplishment in his life. He knew he had to celebrate with his mom.
Sadly, his mother couldn’t be there on the day of his graduation.
She didn’t have to work, she wasn’t busy with something else – LaTanya Wilson Marshall just simply wasn’t around anymore.

A sad story
The boy’s mother had passed away – she was just 46 years old.
She didn’t have the chance to see her son graduate, but he knew he still had to tell her the good news.

Getting dressed up
This teenager knew that if he was going to see his mom, he’d better look his best. So, he dressed up, wearing slacks, a shirt, and a tie. He was super excited to tell his mom the big news.

A lovely bouquet
Then, it was time for this boy to go to his mom’s grave. Since he wanted to bring her something that would mark this special occasion in his life, he took a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers.

A message for mom
But this boy did much more than just leave the flowers at her headstone. He wanted to talk to his mom. So, he took the chance to tell her that he finally graduated.

A sweet moment shared
Doing this was probably difficult for the recent grad. But at the end of the day, he looked happy that he went to her gravesite. After all, you don’t get to share that kind of moment with your parents very often.
After he finished talking to his mom, he decided to leave the flowers he brought. At first, he doesn’t know where to put them. But then, someone he’s with tells him where to place the bouquet, so he gently sets them down.

A kiss for mom
He didn’t forget to show affection to his mother either. Right before the boy left the cemetery, he kissed his fingertips and held them to her headstone. You can tell by this simple act just how much his mother meant to him.

Gratitude at graduation
This boy should be an inspiration to all of us. Not only did he manage to complete a very difficult task, but he also took the opportunity to share this moment with his mom. So many people take their families for granted. But what this boy has shown the internet is that it’s important to make time for those you love, even when they’re no longer around.

This video is so sweet that you simply have to see it.
But we’ll warn you ahead of time – you might find yourself shedding a tear or two.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: Sunny Skyz, YouTube – RM Videos