Dogs and babies go together like peanut butter and jelly.
And a pup named Ralph E. Doodles and his little friend Noah is the perfect example of this. Their mom asked Ralph how much he loves Noah, and Ralph doesn’t hold back.
And even without being able to understand Ralph, it’s clear that he very much loves the baby.

Mom asks Ralph if he loves them, to which the vocal dog responds with what sounds like an “I love you” back.
All this without moving so as not to upset the baby boy resting on his side. What a gentle boy!
Well more like an “Arrrrwwwoooo,” but you get the idea.

Mom goes, “I love you, Ralph.”
She repeats it over and over, changing her tone to emphasize just how much she appreciates Ralph.
The gentle dog emits a few soft howls and growls in a very affectionate manner obviously relishing the shower of emotions.

His new baby friend holds his adorable smile the whole time!
Mom goes on telling Ralph how much she loves him, eventually getting a few replies from the dog.
Baby Noah seems to be enjoying the exchange between mom and the dog though as to what extent he understands is anyone’s guess.

Handsome Ralph E. Doodles is a Goldendoodle.
They are not a breed of their own but a “crossbreed.” And like the name suggests, a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle.
They make for great family dogs.
Intelligent and affectionate, though seen as a “designer” breed, these dogs are a wonderful addition for any family as they don’t shed so much, and as you can see here, extremely loving.

They’re also known as the Groodle.
Now depending on the size of the poodle they are crossed with, a Groodle could be anywhere between a small dog to a large one. This unique-looking dog also excels at other disciplines.
They’ve been guide dogs, therapy dogs, and even sniffers. Groodles are really versatile!

Noah’s got a friend for life!
Goldendoodles aren’t really meant to be watchdogs or security work but you can bet that Ralph here will always have his eye on his family. Especially little Noah!
What dogs like Ralph E. Doodles love is being socially active.
They will get along with most people, even preferring to be in close contact with them as compared to wandering around. To think they don’t enjoy closed spaces.

Groodles like Ralph are a fairly young breed but slowly gaining popularity mainly due to them being very gentle and affectionate dogs.
So young in fact that crossbreeding began in the nineties after the Cockapoo and Labradoodle gained popularity. The best part is that one can never tell how big or small a Groodle is or what it will look like when grown.
There are no breed standards so you could be stuck with either Chewbacca or an Ewok. Still cute though!

If you’re curious and wondering how a Groodle would be like in your home, look no further than Ralph E. Doodles here.
All he’s done is relax with Noah leaning on him, responding to his mom’s many I love you‘s while looking like an absolute winner.
Ralph is a very good boy, and he and Noah are going to have a wonderful time growing up together. What a pair of sweethearts.
Check out the video of Ralph sharing his love for Noah below!
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