They say blood is thicker than water. Well, that’s all good and well when you’re trying to make a point about why it’s important to remain loyal to your family, but it posits one crucial problem. Of course, sharing a blood connection is one way to be family, but it is not essential.
Perhaps poet Maya Angelou said it best:
“Family isn’t always blood, it’s the people in your life who want you in theirs: the ones who accept you for who you are, the ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.”

It’s a common adage that blood makes you related, but family is something far greater.
One family who seems to know this well is this one, with a very special gift for a deserving step-dad.

After a post-dinner gift is presented to him, his face lights up.
…even though he doesn’t yet know what it contains or what’s about to happen, he’s excited all the same. After tearing open the box, and fishing out a small parcel wrapped in tissue paper. With all these layers of wrapping, he jokes that that’s why it takes his step-daughter so long to wrap things.

After removing the tissue paper, he reveals a scroll.
I bet he’s thinking…”Did I graduate without realizing?”…Well, in a sense he did, but he doesn’t know that yet! Still understandably confused, he continues to unwrap the roll of papers, all tied up neatly with a little red bow.

When he unrolls the papers and reads them, his face drops.
As he finally realizes what this surprise gift is, he freezes.

Then, with a beaming face smiles up at his step-daughter.
He’s so speechless that his wife asks him if he needs his glasses, presuming that he can’t clearly see what the papers are about. But the reality has set in, that these are adoption papers, and this girl is giving him the forms to make their father/daughter relationship official.

He gives her a long, heartfelt embrace, greatly moved.
He clearly has so much love for this girl as his own daughter. I challenge you to not become emotional when he does, good luck!

Then when Mom signs the papers, the deed is done.
And just like that, a few squiggly lines on some pieces of paper makes the family complete, although it seems like they were already a family full of love. As Dad is hugging his new daughter, you can hear him whisper “I love you so much”.

If you aren’t bawling your eyes out right about now, what’s wrong with you!
Many of the commenters on this video have expressed just how moved they were by this incredible gesture of love.

Watch the full video below to enjoy this family, thicker than blood!
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