We all have someone in our lives that spreads joy everywhere they go. A person who’s positive, friendly, and an overall pleasure to be around.
In one community, a man named Ty Burningham would be that person. Luckily, many of the residents recognize him for his beautiful, outgoing personality.

According to his mom, he’s almost like the Mayor of Davis County, always out and about, meeting new people.
Ty, who has special needs, can often be seen scooting around his neighborhood. One group of teenagers from Davis High School noticed that their friend could do with a faster means of getting around.

The teens enjoyed talking with Ty, so wanted to do something special to help him.
And then the perfect opportunity arose: Ty’s 25th birthday. Explaining the teens’ idea for Ty’s birthday present, one of the boys said:
“You know, just all of us combined, we just pitched in $10. It’s not that big, but Ty, we just love him.”

After each teen contributed money, they were able to purchase a brand new, upgraded scooter for Ty.
When it came to the ultimate surprise, a few of the teens whipped out their phones to film what they knew would be a special moment.

With one teenager covering Ty’s eyes, the group slowly led him over to the road, where his new electric scooter lay waiting.
After a countdown from three, the teen removed his hands, and Ty exclaimed,
“Oh, sweet.”

Once the teens showed Ty how the scooter worked, explaining that the motor meant he didn’t have to push so much, he was off like a rocket.
Quaid Rasmussen, one of the boys involved in the surprise, said:
“We turned it on for him and he zipped up the street. We were worried he wasn’t going to come back!”

Best birthday gift ever.
Apparently, Ty couldn’t stop saying “sweet”, and seemed the most impressed with how quickly the scooter could ride.
He seemed a little confused that he had been gifted the scooter, asking:
“You guys can’t take it – it’s mine now, right?”

Even though Ty was well-liked in his neighborhood, it was probably overwhelming to experience such kindness and generosity.
If this story teaches us anything, it’s that being willing to help anyone, even the people outside your immediate social circle, is a great trait to have.
The teens who paid for their buddy Ty’s scooter managed to do so with the little means they had. They found a way to give thanks to the young man who gave them and their neighbors a reason to smile every day.

Giving a present doesn’t just bring happiness to the recipient.
Research has found that the act of giving a gift can promote a greater sense of happiness than when we spend money on ourselves.
Giving a gift releases endorphins, the happy hormone that we get after exercise, laying in the sun, or eating chocolate. And we could all do with a few more endorphins bouncing around our brains right now.

The teens’ sweet act of kindness affected a lot of people.
On top of Ty feeling amazing after receiving his special birthday gift, the others felt great about it too. Kindness really is the best thing in the world – isn’t it?
Check out the video below to see the big surprise for yourself!
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