Guess what ladies, it turns out that lying down on the bed and trying to squeeze into a pair of too-tight jeans isn’t just an adult thing. This is a situation that toddlers face, too!
Just ask an adorable 2-year-old girl from Greenville, South Carolina, who found herself struggling with a 911-worthy fashion emergency!

When this cutie couldn’t get her big girl pants on, she got really frustrated about the whole darn “why do we even have to wear clothes” thing.
But instead of seeking help from her family, the sassy little lady thought it would be better to pick up the phone and call the police for some professional assistance!

Have you ever had one of those days where you absolutely could not find anything to wear? Even after rummaging through the closet and trying on endless outfits, nothing fits or looks the way you want it to.
Well, that’s what happened to Aaliyah Garett. She managed to get one leg into her pair of pants, but couldn’t quite get finish the task with her other leg.
So, what’s a little girl in dire straights supposed to do? Reach out to the some friendly law enforcement folks, of course!
Since her mom taught her how to use a cellphone to call 911 in an emergency, she did exactly that.

Deputy Martha Lohnes, who is with the Greenville County Sheriff’s Department, was the one who answered the call about a toddler having “one of those mornings.”
The dispatcher who answered the call thought it was a prank, but they reached to out to the sheriff’s deputy anyways to have her check it out.
Since Deputy Lohnes was already in Aaliyah’s neighborhood, so had no problem popping in for quick visit to investigate the strange circumstances behind the “emergency.”

Aaliyah’s grandfather was the one who answered the door, but he was totally bewildered and had no idea that his granddaughter had even called the cops!
Right around that time is when Aaliya came “running out to the front with half a pant leg on and she’s just like ‘Hey!'” Lohnes recalled.

Aaliyah’s 25-year-old mother, Pebbles Ryan, was at work when the entire incident went down.
At first she was alarmed when her father called to say the cops were at their house, but was relieved after she found out what was really going on. She told ABC News:
“My dad gave me a call and was just like, ‘Your daughter just called the police on me! Then he said Aaliyah wouldn’t let the cop leave and was too busy hugging her.”

Since Deputy Lohnes grew up with two sisters of her own, she totally understood where the cheeky toddler was coming from.
It also meant that she had plenty of experience, and knew exactly what to do next.
Lohnes promptly sat the girl on the stairs and helped her finish getting dressed. That included helping Aliyah tie her shoes!

While Pebbles did indeed teach her daughter to call 911 in an emergency, this wasn’t exactly the life or death scenario she had in mind.
“I’m just grateful for the deputy and her kind, wonderful heart, though. She really took the time out of her day to make sure everything was OK even though she knew it was just a little baby calling. That means a lot to me.”
Be sure to check out the video below to find out more about the toddler with a fashion emergency!
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