Family Fun
Toddler’s Advice To Calm Crying Sister Melts Hearts
This little one has better coping skills than most adults.
Eduardo Gaskell

Two year old Beau has very good advice for his baby sister, Ainsley, and for all of us. In fact, his soothing skills would put most adults to shame. Little Ainsley was bawling, her rosy face scrunched up with tears. Poor baby!

Big brother Beau looks at his baby sister with so much love when he calms her down.

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He does it so well.

Lots of toddlers at the age of two would prefer to be running around, making noise, and just being who they are. Little bundles of energy that seem to run on espresso. But not Beau!

This blonde little boy gets in bed right next to little Ainsley and when she cries, Beau goes,

“It’s okay. It’s okay. Take a deep breath.”

That simple. And it works like a charm.

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Mom Kristen Reformato says this isn’t the first time her son was able to soothe her little daughter. The New Jersey mama just so happened to capture this moment on camera.

She felt like the world needed to see it.

Kristen’s sister encouraged her to upload it on TikTok. And so she did. This was Reformato’s first post on the popular platform and the video got 4.5 million views. And it only took 22 seconds.


That’s a good brother!

Beau’s baby soothing skills went viral and Kristen says news outlets and parenting blogs have shared her video. It really is a heartwarming moment. You won’t often see an exchange like this. Pretty special, even for mom.

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Kristen says it was supposed to be nap time for both Beau and Ainsley. She was planning to snap a quick photo for her husband, Vincent, when Ainsley began crying and Beau took over.

Even viewers are amazed,

“Literally has better coping skills than full grown adults. We should all take that as a lesson.”

Says Alan.


They get it.

So if you find yourself crushed under the weight of life’s drama, remember Beau’s very simple advice. Take a deep breath.

Kristen says her son is very outgoing. He loves waving to grocery shoppers and goes out of his way to care for his baby sister. The little dude is very sociable.


Beau’s got a very positive attitude.

That’s the way to go, little guy! Adults like to live fast paced lifestyles, adding stress to their already hectic schedules without realizing it, only to break down at the end of the run. Big boys and girls break down and cry too, Beau!

It’s best to take a deep breath before running out of them.

Another viewer named Mica said,

“It’s sad that a small child that’s little more than a baby himself knows how to do deep breathing to calm down. He could teach a lot of adults this method. He’s too cute and is a great big brother.”

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Now watch it again and look closely.

When Beau says “It’s okay!“, Ainsley immediately turns her face towards her brother. She recognizes his voice and it reassures her that big bro is there beside her. Beau even demonstrates how to take a deep breath. Now that’s an excellent big brother! Ainsley has her whole life ahead of her but Beau’s got her covered every step of the way.

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Watch the adorable soothing skills of Beau below!

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