This adorable little girl is about to receive the news that will alter her life for the better. She is two-years-old in this video and you can hear two voices in the back giving her updates on current affairs. She listens intently with that innocent wonder on her pretty face.
It sounds like her grandparents. She looks around while they inform her of the recent events that transpired. Whether she immediately understood the implications of the news is up for debate. But all in all, she seems to be taking it well.

Apparently, after lunch, she will put her nice clothes on and get in the car with her grandma and grandpa.

Why? Well in the nighttime while she was sleeping, her mom and dad made their way to the hospital because “somebody came out of mommy’s belly” as grandma so eloquently put it. The little lady seems deep in thought. They go on to tell her that she also came out of mommy’s belly at night. This time however, it’s a boy.
Her baby brother!

She cracks a smile before going on to babble about something that seems connected to herself, as seen by her hand gestures. Grandma presses on,
“Would you like to go and see him today?”
The adorable little girl goes on to ask again about her baby brother. She seems unsure and needs to confirm the news.
“While I’m asleep? While I’m asleep??”

Both grandparents respond with affirmation.
“My baby brother come out when I’m asleep?”
Grandpa reaffirms the news and even says that they can go to the hospital and see her baby brother now. He goes on to say that mommy and daddy are waiting for them to arrive. That one put a smile on her face!
Grandma chimes in saying that her baby brother is, “waiting to see his big sister. And who is his big sister?”

The adorable two year old responds with a heartfelt, “Me” while cracking another pretty smile. Grandma reassures her that mommy doesn’t have a big tummy anymore too. The news sounded too good to be true!

Her term of choice is “Popped out”.
That works, little lady! She jumps off her chair and runs in to a couple of rooms searching for something. Grandma gets it and asks her about a certain dress to which this little darling confirms. As she runs off again, grandpa asks her if she has a card to give to her baby brother, Harvey.

She does have one! The toddler grabs a yellow card which she stuffs in to a bag. Her little body can barely contain her excitement and joy. The anticipation must have been too much for her. Big sister is on the way!

She starts running off again. Naturally, grandpa cannot resist his little princess. He gets up to follow her and probably grab her dress to put it on before he drives her and grandma to the hospital where the tiny prince is waiting.
It’s good to know that this newborn boy will be loved and protected. Mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, and more importantly, his big sister. He’s in excellent hands. Tiny, adorable hands. For now.

Click on the video below and join this two year old as she prepares to see her baby brother for the first time!
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Source: YouTube, parentingcounts