It’s no secret that sometimes, kids finding out that they are getting a sibling doesn’t always go down so well. It’s recommended to try and make your child and the baby friends from before they’re born, by getting them to engage with your baby bump. This can definitely help down the line when they finally arrive, and help your child see their new sibling as a fully formed person, and potential future pal.
Whether brothers or sisters, these key first moments can lead to lifelong bonds between siblings.

In one particularly heart-warming instance, a toddler gets to meet her newborn baby sister.
Orla is just 19 months old, and when the time came to meet her new sibling, it seemed like she was ready to gain a new friend. Her parents had obviously done a stellar job in building positive anticipation for the new arrival, and Orla was ready with open arms…literally.

OOOh, that’s a fresh baby!
Orla is wasting no time in getting to know her new sister, and eagerly moves to hold her. Orla is bursting with curiosity for her new infant friend. Mum still has her hospital bracelet on, so presumably they’re both not long out of the ward.

Slowly and very carefully, Mom (or Mum rather, as they’re from the UK), places the baby in Orla’s arms.
Obviously Mum still supports the baby’s head, as Orla doesn’t exactly have the technique down just yet. One step at a time I guess! Having said that, this big sister is very careful and delicate with her sibling, and very tenderly holds her.

And eager to show her sister love, she doesn’t just stop at holding her.
Orla very carefully and softly places a tender kiss right on the baby’s nose. Needless to say, the baby is still so fresh out of the oven to engage much, but that doesn’t stop Orla from showing her new sister plenty of affection.

Filled with curiosity, she keenly observes everything about her baby sister.
Tenderly plucking at her socks, she investigates her sister’s adorable little clothes. Hey, soon enough she could probably be wearing some of yours in the eternal flow of hand-me-downs between siblings.

Orla is so enchanted by everything about her little sister.
Even the baby’s little tongue sticking out is incredibly entertaining to Orla. already she has a playful sense of enjoyment with her sister. When one child actually is keen to meet their baby sibling, the hardest part can be that they baby isn’t yet ready to play!

Along with more delicate kisses, Orla tries some other…greetings…
Some a little more bizarre than others, such as tenderly licking her sister’s head. I know some people love that “new baby smell”, but I’ve never heard about how they taste from a lick on the noggin!

These sisters are bound to grow to love each other.
I’m sure when this baby slowly becomes cognizant, she will recognize that her best friend has been there for her from day one. Sure, as siblings do they will inevitably squabble and argue, but if they keep up this level of affection they will surely be famous friends.

Watch the full video below to enjoy this literally touching moment!
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