Protecting your kids from certain danger can be pretty tricky when all they want to do is climb, chew and leap through their world. It can be particularly difficult to protect our little ones around our pools. The big bodies of water we keep near our home provide myriad opportunities for children to slip and fall as well as obviously presenting a major danger of drowning. In fact, statistics show that according to the Centre for Disease Control, drowning is the number one cause of unintentional loss of life for children between the ages of one and four years of age.
Sometimes, it seems like the only solution is to protect them in a big safety bubble!
A young up n’ climber named Cody will give any parent grey hairs!
That’s because he’s got the climbing ability and determination to overcome any obstacle. By that I don’t mean overcoming personal adversity, I mean scaling safety gates just for the fun of it. He certainly keeps his folks on their toes! Inside Edition covers this young climber’s attempt.
Already looking back, he knows he’s being watched.
That doesn’t stop him however, a she continues on his quest to climb up this safety gate, which is meant to fold down into a step-ladder, then fold back up into an un-climbable barrier. Well, not when kids like Cody set their sights on it.
Making quick work, he easily scales the barrier.
Well, maybe one day he could be a successful rock-climber. For now, though I’m sure his parents would rather he had slightly more…terrestrial ambitions.
Look how easy it is for a little one to get right to the edge of the pool.
This should be a reminder to all parents that just because you’ve got a safety mechanism in place, it does not mean that you can leave your children unattended, especially around pools.
Don’t worry, Mom does step in before he can get too close.
It’s a good thing that these parents were watching their pool very closely, or they may not have been there to stop young Cody. These parents sent in this clip to Inside Edition to show just how easy it is for a determined young one to overcome even these safety measures.
In addition, they share a few other examples of young children simply climbing fences.
This little climber makes quick work of this pool fence, climbing right over it and back with moderate ease. As with Cody’s parents, these ones took the opportunity to video their kid traversing the fence in order to show how easy it can be to do.
This toddler is even more industrious!
Not only does this wee toddler climb this fence with ease, but even knows how to use the latch!
Once the latch is opened, he can swing the gate open.
As if it were another one of his toys, this little guy swings the gate right open, having figured out how to not only climb and push it, but also to unlock it while perched on top of it.
Any parent watching these kids overcome these gates will have their heart-rates sky-rocket. Let this be a lesson to all of us to keep our eyes on our little ones, even if we think we have safety measures in place.
Watch the full video below to see how these kids defy safety gates.
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