Sudden change can be a scary thing, especially if that thing has been one way your entire life and then abruptly changes with no warning.
Now imagine that change was to something you loved very very much, how would you react?

For one little girl, the change was a bit of a surprise, but something she quickly accepted, and even preferred.
One day, vlogger and Youtuber Arthur was in the car with his young daughter, Ellie, when she mentioned that she didn’t really like his beard.
She touched the lower half of his face and said quite clearly, “I don’t like this.”

Arthur asked her what he should do about it and she said to “take it off”.
Arthur took that to heart and decided to make a change and shave off his beard.
He gave Ellie no warning and took her to daycare in the morning as usual, before going home and getting down to business.

When he picked her up later that day, Arthur was wearing a mask that covered the lower half of his face.
Ellie was none the wiser until the pair were in the car together and Arthur took his mask off.
At first it seemed like Ellie had forgotten their previous conversation saying, “Hey, where did it go? Why did you take it off?”

“You said you wanted me to take it off.” replied her father.
It took the girl very little time to get used to his new look and she definitely seemed to like it.
She stroked his clean shaven jaw and giggled at the smoothness where it had always been rough before.

“I think you’re handsome,” the little girl said, “and beautiful.”
Arthur seemed relieved when Ellie told him how much she liked it and kept giving him compliments on how nice he looked.
At the end of the video, Ellie grabbed her dads face and told him that she loved him.

“Aww, I love you, too.” he replied.
Ellie and her younger brother, Theo, who is not featured in this video, are clearly very comfortable giving words of encouragement to each other and their parents.
As most everyone knows, kids are like sponges and they soak up whatever they are around, meaning these kids parents probably shower the two in praise all the time.

The video has been viewed millions of times and has received thousands of likes.
Many of the comments surround how loving a household they all must be in for the children to be so vocal about both their likes, as well as their dislikes.
It is unknown if Arthur decided to remain clean shaven, or if he grew his beard back quickly, but hopefully, for Ellie’s sake, he kept it clean for at least a little while.

Watch Ellie and Arthur’s adorable interaction in the video linked below.
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