As a parent, it is one of our first and foremost duties to teach our children right from wrong.
Although we may be led to believe otherwise, parenthood is complex – full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and highs and lows. At times, it’s the most rewarding experience ever. Other times, it reminds us that it’s a challenge. It’s important early on to instill discernment into kids and guide them from knowing what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in this life.
However, there is one thing we can count on kids for time and time again – their brazen, unabashed honesty.
Their innocence is one of their most endearing facets. Young children don’t possess the ability to lie or beat around the bush. In fact, they’re very direct. They take no issue letting us know how they feel in any moment of any day.
Father Eric Palonen knows this all too well with his daughter Josie.
In 2015 he uploaded a video to Youtube featuring the bold toddler telling it like it is – strictly facts.

The charming video went viral, earning itself over ten million views. People from far and wide embraced young Josie’s public opinion with open hearts.
The video features Josie, 2-years-old at the time. According to Palonen, he refers to her as a D.I.T (or Diva In Training). One view of the video will tell you exactly why. In the clip, Josie expresses her stark disappointment as she walks away from her Aunt. For all intents and purposes, Josie appears to be fed up and wants to make sure everyone knows about it.
Aunt Mimi failed Josie miserably by saying a very ‘bad word’.

This language simply will not fly with toddler Josie. And because of this, she refuses to talk to her any longer. With no filter, Josie expresses her discontent to the room of adults. The beloved video displays a toddler with one made up mind.
Unafraid to express her emotions, she boldly puts Mimi on the ‘do-not-call’ list.

It’s important to guide children and lead them to express their emotions. Self-expression is integral to their development and will allow them to flourish without sacrificing themselves. Likewise, listening to them while they’re expressing themselves is just as important. In the video, her relatives accept her opinion and inquire as to why she feels this way about Mimi.
But what exactly did Mimi say to upset the young girl so?

Josie holds fast to her ideals. In the video, she declares that “I’m not talking to Mimi because I’m really upset.” But the horrible truth follows closely. Apparently, Mimi used the word ‘poop’. A word that Josie will not stand for. She asserts that it’s not funny and she’s really upset.
Josie goes on to reveal that she will be telling on Mimi for her faux-pas.

After the room shares a fit of laughter, Josie explains that the night is not over for Mimi. There’s literally no getting off this hook.
“When my mommy and my daddy pick me up, I’m gonna tell them right away and I’m gonna go home, take a rest, then I’m gonna be upset.”
The loveliest part is just how serious this toddler is. It’s heartwarmingly cute and hilarious all at once.
Palonen acknowledged the attention his video got and revealed to ABC news in an interview:
“We have a fun, open household with a lot of conversation, humor, and music,” Palonen said. “Some things Josie is allowed to say, providing it is in the right context and not used with ill-will.”
Ready to see just what this young diva has to say? Check out the adorable meltdown in the video below! And be sure to check out more of Josie’s playful antics on Eric Palonen’s YouTube Channel.
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