Little kids are hilarious.
Often times it’s because of their unbiased honesty and truthful observations of the world.
And them being so cute and all, they can get away with saying whatever they want.

Kids are also really hilarious because they are really smart.
Studies show that humor can actually be a sign of intelligence.
“Researchers in Austria recently discovered that funny people, particularly those who enjoy dark humor, have higher IQs than their less funny peers,” Lowri Dowthwaite writes in a piece published in Newsweek.

“They argue that it takes both cognitive and emotional ability to process and produce humor. Their analysis shows that funny people have higher verbal and nonverbal intelligence, and they score lower in mood disturbance and aggressiveness.”

The toddler in this video is both smart and hilarious because she does the perfect impression of grandpa walking with his cane.
According to Fatherly, kids start doing impressions of the people around them most by the time they are 16-months-old.
“Toddlers learn about the world through observation and then use mimicry to begin learning new skills,” the piece reads.

“But there are additional benefits: When your kid imitates your behavior they have an immediate empathetic response. So copying you as you groan your way through a set of sit-ups is an act of bonding. They’re putting themselves (sometimes literally) in your shoes. This may seem counter-intuitive, but copying an activity like cooking or shaving helps instill a sense of bigness in your kid. They begin to feel a sense of power in being able to do something that you can do.”

This toddler must spend a lot of time with her grandpa because she’s got his moves down pat.
Her hilarious impression was caught on video and ended up going viral when it was shared online.
More than 1.2 million people were hysterically laughing seeing this little toddler mimic her grandpa.

The video shows her walking in holding grandpa’s cane.
“Do it, walk like G-pa,” her mama tells her.
The little girl immediately goes into G-pa stance.

So, she bends down and hunches on over while grandpa is basically doing the same exact thing standing next to her.
Her impression is uncanny!
“There you go!” mom tells her as she shuffles forward.

Then the little girl really goes for it and hunches all the way over and exaggerates her movements. At that point, everyone in the entire house is hysterical laughing.
“Do it girl. Do it,” her mom tells her as the laughter just gets louder.
The little girl doesn’t break character for a second! She just keeps hobbling along straight across the living room floor.
“What a sense of humor for a child…she is going to be the life of the party everywhere she goes for the rest of her life,” one YouTube commenter wrote.
“She did such a good job that for a second I thought she actually was Grandpa,” said another.
You can watch this cutie do her best grandpa impression in the video before.
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