Toddlers often like to imitate their parents, which can be adorable to watch. Whether it’s pretending to put on makeup like Mommy or rocking out like Daddy – kids pick up on the things we do and say (a reason why we have to watch our potty-mouths).
One pregnant mom discovered that her little one had been keeping a close eye on her every “move.” Lucky for us, she shared a clip of her daughter online where she does an impression of Mommy, and it’s super funny!

Being pregnant isn’t always so easy.
Learning you have a baby on the way is the most incredible news. You can start dreaming about them, planning their room, and doing all the fun preparations for their arrival.
But while you work to adjust to your new life – you’re also adjusting to a new body too! Clothes stop fitting, certain activities become harder, and you may start doing things differently than usual (etc, etc, etc).

When Teri O’Neil from Minnesota was six-months pregnant, her 15-month-old daughter couldn’t help but notice her interesting new walk.
Since it’s common for toddlers to mimic their parents’ actions – it makes sense that the girl began to copy her mom’s walk around the house. Now, shall we find out exactly how pregnant Teri used to move about?

This kid’s got her mommy’s walk down.
In the video, Teri is behind the camera and she asks her toddler to show ‘how Mama walks.’ Where should this little pumpkin even begin? She jumps into character to give her best impression of Teri.

Here’s what can be gathered from the girl’s impression…
#1. The mom must walk around with a humongous smile on her face.
So cutely, the girl’s face is lit up like a Christmas tree while she walks across the kitchen floor. Perhaps it’s because she’s copying her mom’s favorite facial expression – or it’s because she’s just having a blast. Regardless, how adorable is that precious smile?

#2. There’s no question Teri had a growing belly.
The girl’s pushing her stomach out as far as she can, and has her shoulders back. Hilariously, she even looks like she’s got a pregnancy waddle going on. Someone’s been doing their homework!

#3. Teri must carry a purse around (or just awkwardly keep her arm up).
By no surprise, the mom can’t help but laugh watching her daughter “make fun” of her walk. In the background, Dad starts copying it too – so pretty much the whole room is doing “The Teri” (except for the dog, of course).

This kid seems to have a great sense of humor, just like her mama.
In addition to being a wife and working mom – Teri also runs the fun and comical blog (and Facebook page), “Shh. Mommy’s Drinking.” On her website, she shares:
“Wiping noses and butts since 2012. Yoga pants wearing, coffee swigging, mini van swerving, party planning carnie mom…”

Kids can crack you up a million times a day, between the random things they say to the funny things they do.
For Teri and her husband, they got a good chuckle seeing their daughter’s awesome impression. Since they shared the home video it’s been viewed over 2.2 million times!

You can watch the toddler imitate her pregnant mom by pressing play below!
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