It’s no secret that the sound of a baby’s laughter can brighten the day of even the gloomiest of people.
It’s that bright spark of joy, that brilliant cackle that reminds us all of a time when we had not a care in the world and needed no more than a ring of jingly keys or a silly face to make us laugh.
There are many postulations about why we find a baby’s laughter so precious. From natural selection, to psychological projection, at the end of the day I think it’s safe to say that we find babies laughing so cute for a simple reason.
Because it’s the purest joy one can find.
It’s not exactly hard to make a baby laugh.
Simply revert to a classic game of peekaboo and chances are your baby will respond with a laugh after about three or four months of age (although remember this can be longer or shorter as babies all develop differently). Laughter isn’t just simply a response however, as Healthline describes:
“Laughter is a wonderful milestone to reach. Laughter is a way your baby communicates that you can understand. It’s a sign that your baby is alert, intrigued, and happy.”
And this “call and response” way of viewing a baby’s laughter is an interesting and insightful way of seeing this adorable video of two twin babies laughing at each other.
At first glance these twin baby boys are simply laughing at each other for no reason, (which in a way they still are) they may actually be communicating with each other.
It’s not just babies who do this either.
We do it so often that we may not even recognize that we do it as adults. When you laugh at yourself after tripping, your’e telling the world with laughter that you’re fine. When you laugh at someone’s unfunny joke on a date, you’re expressing interest. It’s the simplest way tat we connect as humans.
For these babies however, before they even know language, they know how to laugh.
And the conversation they’re having must be hilarious!
They never break eye contact and continuously chuckle at each other. Whether you read into these interactions or not, the way that they chuckle so heartily to each other will warm the cockles of your soul.
Just seeing a baby smile is enough to melt your heart, but the way they seem to love each other’s company is almost too much!
And when one baby laughs at the other, which causes the second baby to laugh back at his brother laughing, the cuteness reaches critical level.
And whether they actually think something is “funny” or not, it sure is funny to me!
It is impossible to keep a straight face while watching these goobers enjoying each other’s company this dang much. I want so badly to know what they’re “saying”!
The twins have a special connection, and it’s easy to believe watching videos like these.
Oftentimes twins can grow up having a connective instinct between them. Some sort of intrinsic bond that makes them feel more connected and in some allegorical reports, even a nearly psychic level of connection.
Watch the full video below to enjoy these adorable chuckling twin boys.
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