Every twin in the world knows that there’s a special bond they share with their twin.
According to several studies, twins are connected through shared feelings and emotions.

“40% indicated they had “the ability to know what was happening to their partner” and an additional 15% indicated they were certain of it. Similarly, about one third of twins self-reported phenomena between the pair, including anticipation of contact (eg: by phone), simultaneous identical speech or writing, and sympathetic pain,” Emily Schafer wrote in her article on Moms.
That’s why Hillary Leonard was so grateful and blessed that she was going to have twin girls herself. After all, she also has a twin sister, Mallory Delaney.
The likelihood of a twin having twins is very small so it’s so much sweeter to have this kind of experience.

“It was definitely heartwarming knowing that I grew up as an identical twin, and now my children will be able to experience the same thing. It is a feeling like no other,” Hillary shared.
There’s one more thing they have in common. Hillary and Mallory both work at the same hospital at UPMC Williamsport.

And there’s one more moment that they can share together.
Mallory was there when Hillary delivered her twin baby girls.
“She is an L and D (labor and delivery) nurse, but she was there as support for me and my family, and like it will always be a special bond that I hold with her outside of being an identical twin, and it is a special bond she will always hold with my children,” Hillary explained.

Mallory was so excited to meet her twin nieces and she waited patiently until they were in her arms.
“It was really exciting. I remember my heart pounding while waiting for them to bring Ryleigh, or Baby A, over to the warmer for us,” Mallory shared.

The twins, Ryleigh and Raegan Leonard, were born in March 2021, and Hilary and Mallory hope that the twin babies will bond together as they did since they were young.
“We obviously don’t remember what it was like for us as babies. Just to imagine that we probably experienced that as children and now for my kids to experience that as well, a lot of emotions. But nonetheless, one of the greatest feelings I ever been able to have in my life,” Hillary said.

Mallory shares the same thoughts and believes the twins will have their own bond.
“There is video that Hillary has sent me of them just laying next to each other, and their hands find each other, and they are holding hands. They are jabbering back and forth to each other,” Mallory shared. “I don’t think it is something we will have to model for them/ I think they will do it on their own.”

Would you like to meet the twin sisters and the newest twin girls in their lives? Watch the video below!
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