Woman gives birth to ultra-rare twins conceived 3 weeks apart
This is only the 14th known case in recorded medical history!
Caryl Jane Espiritu

Having twins may not be as rare as it used to be these days, but when Rebecca Roberts gave birth to her twins, her story gave a whole new meaning to the words “rare twin birth”.

Her story is so unique that she is only the 14th woman in recorded medical history to give birth to twins who were born on the same day but were conceived three weeks apart! Yes, you can read that again.

Rebecca and her husband Rhys Weaver have been trying to conceive their first baby for years and with no luck. At 39 years old, Rebecca knew she was not getting any younger. Therefore, the couple decided to visit a fertility clinic in Bath, England, hopeful that they would finally find a way to make their dreams of having their own child come true.

In February 2020, the couple heard about the good news: they were finally having a baby!

Rebecca and Rhys were so excited and were eager to meet their first child. On Rebecca’s seventh and tenth week, the doctor confirmed that they were having only one baby. But, when Rebecca returned for her 12th-week scan, everyone was shocked at the incredible discovery: the doctors saw that she was having a second baby. Wow!

In an interview with Good Morning America, the happy Mom of two shared how they felt that day:

“It was really, really shocking to be told there were two babies instead of one,” Rebecca said. “Then they told me there was a three-week size difference between the two babies that the doctors couldn’t understand.”

Initially, Rebecca’s doctors were perplexed at the newfound knowledge about her pregnancy. Her Ob-Gyn, David Walker, her condition was something called “superfetation”. It is a condition wherein a new pregnancy occurs while someone is already pregnant.

Rebecca’s pregnancy is an ultra-rare case that Rebecca’s story is only the 14th known case in recorded medical history. How super is that?

In a sense, her babies can be referred to as “super twins” because the way they were conceived is super-unique, indeed. Rebecca’s eggs were released at separate times and were fertilized at different times, too. And yet, they ended up being together in the womb, with only three weeks apart from each other.

Dr. Walker initially thought that he missed the twin but it turned out that he was right, and it was, in fact, a very rare type of pregnancy.

“My initial reaction was how had I missed the second twin,” Dr. Walker said. “And following this [I] was slightly relieved that it was not my mistake but a quite extraordinary pregnancy.”

What’s even more amazing was that the gap between the twins is so wide, it is considered to be one of the biggest time gaps in recorded cases of superfetation.

Rebecca’s baby boy, Noah, measured three weeks bigger than his younger sister, Rosalie. Even though Rebecca learned about all this fantastic news without Rhys by her side due to Covid-19 limitations, she is still happy about all the amazing news she heard and could only feel relief that her twins are doing fine.

“I was so shocked, I didn’t feel real at all. It was a good job I was laying on the couch or I would have fainted on the floor,” she shared in an interview with CBS News. “I felt really lucky, but so, so shocked at the same time.”

It was not an easy pregnancy but Rebecca and her twins were a strong bunch. At 33 weeks, Rosalie had to induce labor because her little girl is having issues with her umbilical cord. On September 17, the mom delivered her twins and Noah had to stay in the NICU for over three weeks while Rosalie had to be in a different NICU for 95 days.

Fortunately, Rebecca and her twins came home just before Christmas and spent the holidays together as a family.

“They’re my super twins. Every day I look at them and think, ‘Wow, I’m so lucky.'”

Know more about this awesome and unique story by watching the video below.

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