Sometimes a coincidence feels like fate. For a pair of Knoxville, Tennessee twins, the small miracle of becoming pregnant at the same time took on a lot of significance and made space for joy in their lives. When they gave birth on the same day, it was a chance to heal past heartbreaks and look forward to the future and all the surprises that life holds.
Amber Tramontana and Autum Shaw are twins.

They were also pregnant at the same time and living in the same area. For two people who grew up close their entire lives, this was just one more experience that solidified their bond. But they didn’t know they were going to have even more experiences to share in parallel.
Without even trying, these twins ended up giving birth to their babies on the same day. They were given delivery rooms side by side, and they had the same doc.
Although not in the same room, it was like they shared the experience.
Autum delivered her baby 90 minutes before Amber’s baby was born. While in neighboring hospital rooms, it was like they still knew what was going on with one another. Amber told Good Morning America:
“Autum delivered and we were able to hear a faint cry…My husband knocked on the wall as a way of saying congratulations. Ninety minutes later, we deliver and they returned the same knock.”
This sweet exchange between the sisters was nothing compared to the joy they both felt from getting to hold their own babies.
Amber gave birth to a girl, named Blakely James, while Autum had a girl, who she and her husband named Charleston Scott. They also have toddlers who are both boys and were born 10 weeks apart.

They did not plan it this way.
For both of these women, their labor was induced. They shared a due date and had their labor induced on that date. Coincidentally, their due dates were also the same day as their birthday, October 29th.

It also was not part of their plan to be pregnant at the same time. Autum had been struggling with conceiving for a while, even experiencing a miscarriage one Christmas. When she realized that she was pregnant again, and that her sister was pregnant at the same time as her, it felt even more important.
Pregnancy feels more special when you’re sharing the experience with your twin sister.
Amber tells WBIR 10 about how they bonded even more during their pregnancies:
“We kept waiting and every time she would call I would say, ‘are you still pregnant?’ And she’s like, ‘yeah, are you still pregnant?’ Then October 29th came and two girls now share the birthday with us.”
These sisters have always had a strong bond and they love going through life together. Sharing this birth experience just has more meaning for them now.
Autum says that even before their birthday-delivery, they loved to do things together. She told Good Morning America:
“We’ve done everything together our entire lives…We went to nursing school together, we were pregnant with our boys together at the same time and for the delivery of our girls…There was all this waiting and heartbreak … now I look at this bigger picture and God had a bigger plan.”
Both moms and babies have a great story to bond them all for the rest of their lives, and a little something extra to celebrate on birthdays.
The sisters plan on making all future birthdays an affair to remember. Each October 29th, they will be celebrating their birthday as well as their daughters. And given how close these moms are, it’s easy to believe that their daughters will grow up to be just as close as they are.
Watch the video below to hear more of this adorable story!
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Source: Good Morning America, WBIR, YouTube – WBIR Channel 10