One of the most important decisions for pregnant women to make is choosing who will be helping and supporting them during labor- in other words, who will be their doula.
Doulas are in touch with pregnant moms throughout pregnancy and are available to talk about pregnancy issues, although they cannot provide medical care.

But when their presence is invaluable is during labor. That’s when they can help the laboring mother calm down, they provide breathing techniques that can relieve pain, while they can also offer massage and laboring positions in order to facilitate childbirth.
Usually, the role of the doula is assumed by a woman who has been properly trained, but sometimes the pregnant mom can also choose a person close to her to act as her doula. This could be her mom, sister, or a friend.

Recently, an Ohio mom chose her sons to act as her doulas, surprising everyone!
Hollie Lau, mother of three and a doula herself, gave her sons the option to be present during their sister’s birth from the very beginning of the pregnancy.
When Lau announced to her children that she was pregnant, she realized they were more than excited and that they would love to be present during labor, helping their mother.

“The moment that we announced our pregnancy to our sons, Charlie asked if he could come,” Lau told Popsugar.
Lau explained that they opted for a family-centered birth because they wanted their sons to be part of this unique experience. They also wanted to make sure the children would have the opportunity to practice being nurturing, something that society doesn’t allow for boys generally.
But how was this made possible with two young children?
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9-year-old Charlie and his brother took a childbirth education class, which Lau taught herself, in order to prepare them for what was coming and what they would witness during labor.
Apart from the theoretical part that their mother explained in detail, the boys also watched related videos in order to know what to expect when the time would come.
“We would lay in bed together at night and watch birth videos on Instagram. We would then talk about what they saw and focused our discussions what birth looks like, sounds like, and smells like,” Lau said.
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After a long and careful preparation, the boys were ready to help their mom when she needed them the most.
And then, the big day came. According to Lau, it was great for her to have her sons around, calming her with their voice and their relieving touch during contractions.
Charlie was particularly excited during a specific part of labor.
“He was incredibly excited and looked the most surprised during crowning. To actually begin to see his sister and the top of her head after I worked so hard in labor was exciting for him. To begin to see the person we had been preparing to meet for months was finally here, he was absolutely giddy,” his mom said.

The whole process was captured by Hannah Spencer, a photographer and Lau’s friend, who highlighted the importance of giving boys the opportunity to witness such moments as it is beneficial for their emotional development.
It was undoubtedly an incredible experience for this family and, who knows, it might set an example for others to follow.
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