Mom forced to go into labor at 22 weeks giving birth to most premature twins that prove doctors wrong
At 22 weeks pregnant Jade was forced to go into labor early due to complications. The doctors had already labeled her twins as a "miscarriage" making mom's heart sink, but they all turned out to be wrong when the babies were born.
Irene Markianou

When Jade got pregnant 12 years ago, she was more than excited.

Unsplash - Kelly Sikkema
Unsplash - Kelly Sikkema

Jade Crane, from Heanor, in Derbyshire, an addiction counselor, had always wanted to be a mom. So when she and her husband Steve, who works at sales, found out they would soon become parents, they couldn’t hide their excitement.

But, sadly, it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy, leading to Jade being rushed to the hospital, where she had her fallopian tubes removed.

Unsplash - Jafar Ahmed
Unsplash - Jafar Ahmed

This was the beginning of a long journey with numerous IVFs for the couple since natural conception was no longer an option for them.

After a few miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy, and after having spent about £50,000 on fertility treatment, last year they finally got to believe they would become parents for the first time.

And, when they found out Jade was expecting twins, the couple was even happier.

Unsplash - Fallon Michael
Unsplash - Fallon Michael

However, this happiness didn’t come without some concern.

“With twins and with my history everything was high risk,” Jade told Daily Mail.

Sadly, Jade was right. Her high-risk pregnancy didn’t go very well. In fact, she had to go into labor at only 22 weeks.

Although Jade knew she was giving birth to her babies at that time, everyone around her kept calling it a “miscarriage”, which made her heart sink.

In fact, at 22 weeks women still have the option of abortion, which means doctors do not consider babies born then viable.

“You do all sort of pacts, in your head. In the chaos, I’d thought I was going to lose all three of them — Jade and the two babies. You don’t dare hope for too much,” Steve Crane said.

But, against all the odds, these two fighters did make it, and so did their mom.

After labor, Jade and Steve found themselves in a room they thought was Serenity suite, only it wasn’t. When they saw tiny clothes parents of stillborn babies could put on their lost children in the cupboards, they knew they were in the bereavement suite.

Nobody expected the twins to make it because there was no medical evidence that babies could survive when born so early.

“I remember, and this seems a terrible thing to say now, praying at least one baby would make it,” says Jade.

The couple couldn’t help Googling if such premature babies could survive outside the womb. It seemed they couldn’t.

And yet, here they are today, having just passed their due date, which was February 24. The babies are still there, although their journey so far has been anything but easy. They have given their parents scary and disappointing days, but they never stopped fighting.

Harley, the feisty one, as her mom calls her, and Harry, aka “Mr Laid Back”, are soon going home. In fact, Harry is supposed to go home this week, and Harley will soon be following him.

Jade and Steve have been through an emotional roller coaster all these months, but they are now more than ready to welcome their miracles home.

What an amazing and inspiring story!

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