Every expectant parent looks forward to their ultrasound to see what their baby looks like.
Over the years, ultrasounds have improved greatly. They are now so clear that you can basically tell what the baby looks like and clearly make out facial features. One mom recently shared a photo of her newborn alongside a clear ultrasound photo and the pictures match up almost exactly.

Ultrasounds were invented in 1893 and were first used to measure the hearing range of humans and other animals.
As they were improved over the years, they were used to look inside the human body and learn about a person’s health. Eventually, they were used to check on pregnant women and their unborn babies.
Ultrasounds are usually used to determine if there is a healthy pregnancy at the beginning and every few months to check on the growing fetus.
Most parents look forward to seeing their baby on the ultrasound monitor for the first time and also for the anatomy ultrasound, which tells them if the baby is a boy or a girl.

3-D ultrasounds are fairly new and allow parents to see more details of their babies’ faces and bodies.
These ultrasounds can help prenatal doctors watch for birth defects and problems, but they also give expecting parents a glimpse of their precious miracles.
When this momma posted her photo on Reddit, everyone went crazy for how adorable it is. Other expectant mothers expressed their excitement to see their babies. Many people couldn’t believe how much the baby resembled the ultrasound photo. He even held his little hands the same way.
A lot of readers commented on the photo and shared their own ultrasound stories and excitement.
One reader commented:
“They’re accurate if you get them later in pregnancy. I got mine at 20 weeks (at the doctor for an anatomy scan, not at a boutique), and my kiddo wasn’t very cute yet as he had no extra body fat. He honestly looked like a creepy Halloween prop 😂, but he was curled up sleeping the same way he did for months after he was born! Yours is absolutely adorable! Those cheeeeeeeeks!”
Another said:
“I had a 3D ultrasound at 24 weeks and I’m scheduled for another at close to 34 weeks. (I’m hoping they turn on the 3D portion!) I can’t wait to see how she’s changed and compare it to when she’s actually born! Your babe looks just like the ultrasound! It’s amazing and starting to feel so real to me that she’s her own person in there!”

Ultrasounds are definitely fun to share and look at.
There is no denying that the ultrasound photo is pretty accurate with this baby. Hopefully, this mamma continues to share photos and all the other mamas get ultrasound photos that are just as cute. These sure are some lucky parents.
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