Imagine reaching a point in your life when you believe that you have all you need to be happy.
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A loving partner and a beautiful family sound great. And considering you’ve left several miscarriages behind, then you decide you’re happy with what you’ve got and should probably consider birth control.
That’s apparently what 35-year-old Ashley Ness was thinking when she went to a doctor’s appointment the day before Valentine’s Day.

Ness has one biological daughter aged eight, but she sadly miscarried two babies before her daughter, Chanel, was born and two after.
But besides Chanel, Ashley is happy to have three “bonus children” as she calls them. Those are her partner’s children, the oldest of them being 24 and the youngest one 7.
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So, when she went to the doctor this past February, a pregnancy test was done in order to go on with the birth control they had been discussing.
And, unexpectedly, it was a positive test. Ashley couldn’t believe she was having a new baby!
But the baby was not one- far from that number, actually. When she went for an ultrasound two weeks later, she found out she was carrying four babies.
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“She looked at the screen and she writes A and B. So, then I look at her and said, ‘Am I having twins?” recalled Ness to WJAR, who at the time was not surprised because it ran both in her and in her boyfriend’s families. “She’s like, ‘Um, you’re having four babies, honey!”
And the most special thing about this pregnancy is that it’s not simply a set of quadruplets, it’s actually two sets of identical twins. This is a one in 70m case and the family couldn’t be happier.

Still, they are also overwhelmed because four babies at one time mean lots of expenses and challenges- physically and emotionally.
To help the family financially, their friends started a GoFundMe page, where they have raised more than 6k so far.
“The average cost to raise one child is 17k per year. The average cost for quadruplets is above 68k. These expenses do not include specialized treatments for preemies, which they will be,” they explain in that page.
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But, given that Ashley has miscarried four babies before, she sees the opportunity to carry four babies as a miracle.
“They all came back to me,” she said.
Ashley is technically due in October, but doctors don’t want her to carry the babies past week 32, so she’s having them some time in early August and she’s really excited and can’t wait to meet them.
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Her daughter has even found the babies’ names.
“The two girls are Chesley and Chatham, and then the two boys are Chance and Cheston,” said Chanel.
The family is preparing to welcome the babies in only a few weeks. In the meantime, they’re sharing their journey on Instagram.

Watch Ashley talk about her 1-in-70m pregnancy in the video below.
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