In the deep woods of Wales lives a woman named Emma. This remarkable lady lives in an earthen home, completely free of modern cares choosing instead to live with mother nature. She’s literally free as free can go.
It only cost her £1000. Emma lives without electricity, the internet, running water, or any of those modern necessities we’ve all grown to love. But for this woman of the woods, she is living the life. A relationship with nature? You bet.

Bryce Langston of Living big in a tiny house got to meet Emma.
If you’ve seen The Lord of the Rings films, then Emma’s little home will remind you of The Shire. She is free from all the pressures of daily living. No debts, no rent, no credit cards, and no irritating neighbors to worry about.

Emma owns the land and the call to live more simply got stronger. She’s got chickens and goats so eggs and milk are right outside her door. Emma cooks on an open fire and there is running water just outside her home. It’s clean and potable.

Winters are a struggle.
But Emma is one tough lady. She chops wood, carries water, and basically knows what needs to be done to survive those harsh conditions. Don’t let her older lady image fool you. She’s pretty tough!

Her house is a result of trial and error. Twenty years worth of them. The roof sits on the walls which are made from straw-bales. Emma makes the plaster herself, done from horse manure and clay which come from the earth. The hut is 4 meters wide and is surprisingly cozy during the winter.

The roof is alive.
It’s green in the loveliest sense of the word. Plants grow on it and from afar, you couldn’t tell there was a little home. It blends wonderfully with the surroundings which goes well with Emma’s whole living with nature vibe.

Inside is even better.
The windows are massive yet tastefully done. Like Bryce says, it connects to the outdoors. No curtains for Emma as she likes natural lighting. The ceiling structure is a work of art. Each rafter sits on another one, which for Emma, stands for equality. There’s a fireplace too. It’s where she also does her cooking if she can’t have it done outside.

Cup of tea?
All she needs is wood. Much better than working to make money so Emma can pay for gas or electricity. What takes longer and which is more efficient? Emma is smart. Natural fire works just fine.

And where most people prepare ingredients and cook standing up, Emma prefers to sit or squat on the floor. No furniture, no cabinets or cupboards. Everything is on the wall and open for easy access. Plus the rounded shape of the house makes it seem much bigger than it actually is.

What about bathroom needs?
There’s a stream of water where Emma collects hers as needed. She also heads down to a small river for a swim whenever she fancies. Emma has a sauna and a bath that she built which can be heated with fire, and a composting toilet that lets her enjoy the view. She’s free from having to charge devices, complicated plumbing, and all the maintenance needed for a normal house.

Emma has chosen to take a step back and just enjoy life as it is. Simple and carefree, all while still being able to commune with nature. To most people, this would be impossible without modern amenities. To Emma, this is how life should be.
Check out Emma’s chosen lifestyle in the video below!
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