One exciting part of pregnancy for an expecting mom is getting ultrasound photos taken. After all, it gives her a sneak peek of her unborn baby, and allows her to see exactly what they’re up to!
A lot of moms end up sharing their ultrasound pictures with friends and family. But when Shantel Carrillo did so – she ended up getting a peculiar response. That’s because people noticed her late father was also in the image…

Carrillo is a mom from San Diego who is five-months pregnant with her second daughter.
Sadly, her dad Charles passed away just a couple of years ago, so he’ll never have the chance to hold his new granddaughter. However, Carrillo believes he’s already given the baby a “kiss,” which is captured in the photo.

The mom shared the sonogram picture online before she was aware of what it contained.
Once others who knew Charles got a glimpse of it – they pointed out the eerie resemblance. Carrillo explained to KGTV that friends would say:
“Looks like there’s an angel giving your baby a kiss on the lips.”
It wasn’t just any angel though. Carrillo believes it looks just like her father’s profile from a photo taken 10 years earlier after her first daughter, Myree, was born.

Carrillo couldn’t believe her eyes seeing her dad’s face next to the fetus. When the two photos are side-by-side, it allows people to compare the similarities.
In an interview with Inside Edition, she explained what it was like being made aware of the discovery.
“It took my breath away, it really did.”
She also said:
“It was honestly like a punch in the chest, like, how awesome it was to see that.”
There are quite a few facial details Carrillo sees when looking at the image. She can make out his cheek, his nose, and even Charles’ distinctive chin.

What’s most beautiful though, is it appears that he’s leaning over and giving her baby a kiss.
Sonogram photos can be a little fuzzy at times, but the expecting mom believes in her heart it’s her father’s image in the photo. Many other people agree with her too.
She told Inside Edition:
“I can’t really think of it as any other way. If you knew my dad, he loved to be the center of attention … It makes me feel like he’s watching over my new daughter. It’s just a beautiful thing.”
Carrillo will be welcoming her little one into the world in April next spring. April just so happens to be Charles’ birth month as well.

There are many opinions online about the topic, with people leaving various comments. Some have also shared their own chilling stories.
YouTube user, Ventrishero, posted:
“A friend of mine had a baby, and the night before he was born she saw her late mother in a dream. Also, her son has the same birthday as her late mother.”
Socorro M. simply wrote:
“If you’re a spiritual person, then you’ll understand. ❤️ beautiful”

Carrillo isn’t the first one who’s seen something unique in their baby’s ultrasound photos. Over the years, there have been many parents who’ve made interesting discoveries too.
Watch the video below to hear more from the mom and to view the photos next to each other.
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