Pregnant woman shares how she learned her step-mother secretly put her baby up for adoption
“Creepy” is not enough to describe the situation.
Elijah Chan

What if you woke up one day and learned that your baby was put up for adoption?

TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose
TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose

TikTok has been a treasure trove of various kinds of content ranging from memes, parodies, playlists, and real-life stories turned into sketches.

One user shared an encounter that was just downright terrifying.

“Creepy” is not enough to describe the situation.

TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose
TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose

In a video posted by Deseree Rose on the platform, she narrates how her baby was put up for adoption without her knowing anything about it. The video has since been viewed over four million times with commenters left in utter disbelief.

Rose was out in the shopping mall in search of pretzels.

Suddenly, a woman she’d never met before approached her and asked if she was Deseree Rose.

She introduced herself as Wendy, which was not really constructive to Rose’s quest for good pretzels.

But what surprised her is what Wendy said after.

TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose
TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose

She said that while they were not yet formally introduced, she believed that Rose was carrying “her grandbaby” in her belly.

Rose was 9 months pregnant at that time.

Now, if someone approached you with such preposterous claim while you’re out minding your own business, it would be easy to believe that Wendy was out of her pretzel-knotted mind.

TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose
TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose

But she was not.

Confused and terrified, Rose asked if Wendy was related to her boyfriend John since that’s the only way she could be the “grandma” of her baby.

Instead, Wendy explained that she was “Scott’s mother”, also known as the person who is adopting Rose’s baby.

The situation was getting crazier by the second and poor Rose had to endure all of this when all she wanted was to satisfy her craving. She insisted that her baby was not up for adoption.

TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose
TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose

Wendy explained, as if it’s going to make things better, that Linda Rose, her hairdresser and Deseree Rose’s stepmother, promised Wendy and her family that they could adopt the baby inside Rose’s belly.

Did Rose know that all of this was happening?

Not one bit.

“Never once, did I tell her I wanted to give the baby up for adoption, in fact, I told her I didn’t want to give the baby up for adoption.” Rose said in a follow-up video, “She just is very controlling. I don’t know what to say, I don’t talk to her at all anymore.”

TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose
TikTok Screenshot - @deseree_rose

The encounter didn’t end there, though, as much as Rose had hoped.

Apparently, Wendy approached her again after she gave birth.

She was still convinced that Rose’s baby was her granddaughter.

Fortunately, the whole episode ended in a non-event, and Rose is now fulfilling her role as a mother.

Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram

Isang post na ibinahagi ni Deseree Rose (@deseree_rose)

It doesn’t take away the fact that the entire encounter is terrifying, however, especially with a newborn involved. .

We hope that in the future, Rose and her daughter will never have to meet Wendy again.

Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram

Isang post na ibinahagi ni Deseree Rose (@deseree_rose)

As for her stepmother, we also hope that Rose wouldn’t have to put up with her as well. Who knows, she might give Rose’s second child up for adoption, assuming they’ll have more than one.

Hear Rose describe the unsettling encounter for herself.

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