Ever applied for a job but got rejected via a letter?
Yeah it sucks but here’s an idea. Hand the letter to Micah and his dad! They know what to do with it. Micah won’t even hesitate nor flinch. As a matter of fact, this baby boy’s laughter will lift your spirits instantly!
Don’t think for one second that it’s a bad life. Not when Micah is around!
Dad must have been feeling blue.
So Micah starts fiddling with the rejection letter. He’s already got that mischievous look little boys are so known for. The little guy in his onesie and socks can’t seem to figure out what to do with the piece of paper he’s got. That is until dad had a light bulb moment.
So what if he got rejected? He’s got more time with his son and what better way to bond than with some playtime and laughs?
Hand it over!
Dad takes the letter from his son and tears the thing down the middle. And immediately, Micah bursts into giggles. And it is the most adorable thing ever! Want to hear it again? Dad’s got you!
Micah can’t get enough of the sensation and he tries to tear one himself. But he’s not that strong yet. So dad grabs it from him and rips another piece off the letter. Micah explodes with a hysterical laugh that even dad begins to chuckle.
That’s one happy baby!
Again, dad! He tears another part from the letter and that ripping sound is followed by the boisterous little boy’s delighted chortling. Micah laughs so hard his left foot lifts up a few inches from the couch. The kid is on automatic!
Talk about peals of laughter.
Micah holds on to the letter trying to decipher what exactly it is that’s going on but every time dad makes a tear, he just goes back to laughing his little heart out. Dad’s already forgotten about the rejection too.
Who needs a stressful job when you can stay home and hear your son laugh? Micah’s guffawing has shifted to a higher gear, his mouth now open all the time with both feet up in the air. Dad makes a few more rips here and there and the baby boy rewards his father with his chuckling.
Feeling better, dad?
The video has over 106 million views and 378k likes to date. This is one video he can look back on and have a good old laugh at himself. Look at all those pieces of paper around him!
One last time!
Dad goes crazy and starts ripping off parts of the letter one after the other. Micah loves it! He laughs and laughs slowly melting his dad’s dejected spirits and before dad knows it, he’s perfectly fine. Wasn’t that just wonderful?
Micah could care less with what’s going on in the world. The little guy was living in the present moment, enjoying every minute of it with his dad. And dad may have realized that fact too. So what if he got rejected? There are some things in this world that nothing and no one can ever take away from him.
Click on the video below and get ready for giggles!
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