Not all siblings experience sibling rivalry. Some only experience some low level sibling conflict, or sibling frustration. When Nyelle got someone to film her dancing to one of her favorite Hip-Hop songs, she may have experienced one or all of these when her younger sister Nevaeh wanted to join in.
But sometimes, if you want a stage to yourself, having siblings can make it hard.

The routine that Nyelle is trying to dance is from Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall , a song called “Juju On That Beat”. It’s a jam for sure, and it really makes you want to get up on your feet and start moving…
…which is obviously exactly how toddler Nevaeh feels!

When Nyelle tells her to go sit down, she obeys, happily watching her sister do her thing.
Look how adorable she looks smiling at her big sister as she dances rather well to the moves of the song. To be fair, Nyelle has the dance nailed. She knows the moves and pulls them off with well-earned confidence.

Pretty soon though, Nevaeh wants to do her own moves.
I guess audience participation is just a given for this adorable young bystander. It’s clear that not only does she want to be involved in her big sister’s dance, but she seems to look up to her too. The way she watches so intently, and how she just can’t resist copying Nyelle shows how much she admires her.

Well Nyelle makes some sort of hand gesture as part of the dance , but I’m not sure Nevaeh has it quite right…
I mean, she’s trying! To loosely quote the Fresh Prince, she’s a little confused, but she’s got the spirit. Maybe if her older sister gave her some one-on-one lessons they could share a routine?

And what’s more adorable than the two sisters’ matching colours?
No wonder why Nevaeh thinks she’s part of the crew, when she’s wearing the uniform! Anyway, in some ways Navaeh has some moves of her own, she still manages to do a sort of “dab” type of move among the majesty that is her inspired routine.

While Nevaeh may have elevated this video to viral status, Nyelle needs to be commended on her dance skills too.
She’s got the moves down, and performs them with confidence. Watching the official video of Juju On That Beat, there’s no reason why Nyelle couldn’t be in the video herself.

The cutest thing is how Nevaeh never takes her eyes off of her big sister.
She tries so hard to copy her every move and emulate the dance. You know what, SHE could be in the video with Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall… that is unless these two get their own top dance crew together. Then any other prospective dance crews had better watch out for what would surely be formidable competition!

This video has been shared all over the internet due to this loveable pair of sisters. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a successful journey of dance for these two, even if that just means they get to keep having fun in front of the stairs.
Watch the full video below to enjoy this fantastic sister-act!
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