Bringing a new life into this world can cause you so much joy, but deep inside, you also worry.
We worry that we won’t be able to provide for our children.
Most of us struggle each day to work so we can provide for our kids. We also try our best so we can spend time with them.
Sometimes things don’t go as planned.

Being a single parent is never easy.
But we’re not someone who would give up easily, right? After all, we have little mouths to feed, and we love our children with all of our hearts.
You may have heard of single parents who are desperately looking for jobs where they could bring their babies or kids. They are also looking for flexible working hours and a boss who knows what they are going through.

It’s never easy to find one.
Sadly, there is still a lot of stigma about single parents working. Some business owners don’t like employees with ‘baggage’ because, for them, the quality of work will be compromised.
Then, there are many instances where customers leave side comments to a parent for bringing their kid to work.

Just this month, a TikTok video went viral because of its content.
The video gained more than 600K views and even started a debate .among its viewers. It was about a Subway worker who was filmed while he was making sandwiches.
The twist?
He had a baby strapped to his chest.
The song in the video made it more meaningful. It was the song “I’m a Survivor” by Reba McEntire.

The entire clip shows the subway employee casually making his sandwiches. The baby that was strapped to his chest didn’t mind at all.
The baby was calm, and he seemed to be enjoying the movements. However, like any viral video, it sparked a debate among the people who saw it.
The conversation that needs to happen.

One person said that this person’s paycheck might not even cover the cost of having the baby in a daycare facility.
Another person said that we should normalize bringing kids to work because a parent should never choose between work and their responsibility as a parent.
Others felt how hard being a single parent is.
This person said that she’s close to losing her work because she doesn’t have anyone to help her. The other felt so broken after seeing the video that she wanted to tip the man so he could go home.

Now, the majority of the comments are all about the cuteness of the baby.
But not everyone found this clip cute.
One person said that the food and health department doesn’t allow such acts and can compromise his food handler card. Then, another one simply said that the video was inappropriate.

But he’s not even the father.
If you check further, the owner of the TikTok account, Leslie Munoz, answered a comment asking for the man’s GoFundMe account.

“I’m actually the single mom; guy in the subway video is a friend/old coworker who adores my son.”
Turns out, the guy in the Subway, Jonathan Amigon, is a very sweet and good friend of Leslie’s.

The people didn’t weren’t disappointed. In fact, they feel the love and care of Mr. Subway guy, not just for the cute little boy, but also for his friend, Leslie.
Watch the TikTok video below!
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