Ser un niño huérfano o rendido, o un niño que necesita vivir sin sus padres biológicos de todos modos, es bastante difícil. Experimentar intentos fallidos de adopción solo puede empeorar las cosas.
La mayoría de los niños que crecen dentro del sistema de crianza de los EE. UU. Solo tienen un sueño: encontrar una familia real a la que llamar suya algún día.
Desafortunadamente, para una gran cantidad de niños, esto nunca sucede. Se ha estimado que cada año, alrededor de 20.000 niños salen del sistema de crianza. Esto significa que se quedan solos para construir una vida desde cero.
Esta era la realidad a la que Seth Miller se enfrentó hace unos años cuando se convirtió oficialmente en adulto, lo que significaba que ya no podía contar con el sistema de cuidado de crianza.
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Seth, que había sido puesto en adopción cuando era un niño pequeño y luego pasó por una adopción fallida dolorosa en la infancia, pasó aproximadamente una década en hogares de acogida infelices.
Esto fue hasta que alcanzó la mayoría de edad, que fue cuando se dio cuenta de que no tenía a nadie a quien acudir.
Con tan solo 18 años, se quedó sin hogar y tuvo que vivir en un automóvil.
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“Empty, alone, nowhere to kind of fit in […] just an everyday kind of life, nothing really extraordinary to look forward to,” he recalled during an interview with USA Today.
All he wished for, was a proper family to call his own.
And, magically, a series of events started happening that would change Seth’s life forever.
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In 2013, when his court-appointed special advocate talked Robert and Ara Hunt into meeting up with the boy, things started changing for Seth.
The Hunt family had adopted Seth’s biological sister, Shyann Hunt.
At first, they were hesitant to meet Seth, but then they decided that fear should not hold them back, and made the bold move.

“When we let go of the fears, we found forever,” Ara Hunt said.
Indeed, the couple arranged things so that Shyann would meet her brother who they never knew existed, and the reunion was emotional- to say the least.
From then on, things took their course, just like it was meant to happen.
Soon after the reunion, the Hunts, who already had a large family including two daughters and a son still living at home at the time, invited Seth to move in with them.

Although the transition period was challenging, they soon found their communication codes and living all together became something natural for them.
One year later, the Hunts officially adopted Seth.
Seth, the Hunt family, and a few people who love them, gathered in a Collin County courtroom. That’s where they all became a family under the law.

“From the first time I saw the interview, I knew he was a part of our family,” Robert Hunt told the judge. “We’re just doing this to make it legal. He’s our son.”
Seth decided to change his name. He is now Logan Hunt, honoring the name of the family that gave him the most precious gift of all: somewhere to belong.
“It feels awesome,” Logan said. “Like I’m at peace.”

Watch the video below to find out all the details about this amazing story.
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