Here’s a story that serves as a warning to parents and guardians.

A four-year-old boy made a 911 call to save himself and six other kids.

It was a hot day in Maryland, with temperatures as warm as 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This young boy and six others, including his sibling – ages ranging from four to two years old – were left in the care outside a mall in Charles County.
His mother went for a shopping run in St. Charles Towne Center and left all kids in the car.

The 37-year-old woman left two kids and the five other kids she was babysitting unsupervised inside the car “to get some shopping done.” The car doors were unlocked, but the windows were closed. The kids were also told not to go out of the car at all.
At that temperature, it will only take a few minutes until it’s unbearably hot inside.

According to the National Safety Council, a temperature of 80 degrees outside only takes ten minutes to reach 99 degrees inside the car. Another ten minutes, and it rises to another ten degrees and can be fatal to children and pets.
The children were feeling more uneasy as the temperature rises inside.

The four-year-old boy found a phone left behind the car and dialed 911. He called out for help even if he didn’t know exactly where they were. He gave the operator some description of the place.
Also, thanks to technology, they detected the location.

Using GPS technology and other technological methods, they were able to pinpoint the location of the shopping mall. Authorities such as the country police, fire department, and EMF responders went straight to the location.
They sent the kids out of the car and administered basic treatment.

Authorities said that the kids looked frightened and were very sweaty when they arrived. They also found out that there was only one car seat in the car, another clear violation. Luckily, none of the kids were in bad condition, and nobody was sent to the hospital.
The woman went back to the parking lot ten minutes later.

Authorities questioned her actions and decisions as to why she left all seven kids in the car, but she gave no explanation. She was then arrested for Child Confinement within a Vehicle and in violation of the car seat law.
Charles County Sheriff’s Office reminded parents and guardians to never leave children or pets inside the car.

In a press release, they reminded that any child under eight years old should not be left inside the car unattended or should be supervised by an individual 13 years and older.
They also warned them about the dangers of leaving a child and pet inside a hot car and, if possible, never leave them inside even if the temperature outside is just 60 degrees.
We hope that this experience will be a reminder to all of us. Thankfully for this incident, a four-year-old boy was quick enough to realize he should make a 911 call or it could have been too late for the rest of them.
Learn more in the video below.
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