Mom without arms shares how she accomplishes her afternoon routine
She's basically Supermom.
Caryl Jane Espiritu

Being a mom myself, I can honestly tell anyone that motherhood is no mean feat. You work 24 hours each day, seven days a week just to make sure that your family, especially your kids, are well taken care of. It is not something you choose to do. It is something that is in the very nature of you.

If a normal mom like myself, who is fully capable physically to run after my kid, finds it quite hard to look after my little one, then how difficult would it be for a woman who has no arms to use in caring for her child?

Can you imagine the challenge this woman has to face every single day? Is it even possible for her to give the proper care her child needs?

Well, one woman just showed us all that it is definitely possible to care for your child even without arms. And this woman is Sarah Talbi.

On September 23, 1982, a baby girl without both her arms was born in Brussels, Germany. Her parents named her Sarah and despite her lack of arms, she proved to everyone that she is just as capable as a person who has complete extremities.

Her disability was not something she considered as a weakness, but her strength that allowed her to be as adventurous and creative as she is now. She may have no arms, but this did not stop her from pursuing her passion for the arts.

Using her feet, Sarah learned to write, eat, drink and even paint.


She was thrilled to find out that she has a talent for drawing, and this gave her a whole new world in front of her, ready to explore and enjoy. Later on, as Sarah works and stays creative just like every able person around her, this beautiful and inspiring woman got to have her own family and eventually became a mom.

Sarah knew that motherhood is not easy, especially for someone like her who is less able than a normal mom. But, she was determined to let everyone know that she can also take on the challenge of being a mother and that she will win over it.

Some people might focus on what Sarah lacks physically, but what they don’t see is that this woman does not need arms to let her child know how much she loves her. She does not need arms to make sure her little one is cared for.

Sarah is one incredible woman and Mom and her disability do not prevent her from becoming so.

On her Instagram account, Sarah shares photos of her life, including her bonding moments with her kid. She also shares her routine on her YouTube channel, detailing how she goes about during the day as a mom without arms but with a heart full of love.


Her clips online show how she feeds her child, how she gets her ready, and even getting her out of bed. Everything is done in Sarah’s own unique way. Yes, Sarah is different from all of us, not because of her disability, but because of her amazing strength and inspiring story.


Know more about Sarah and witness how this mom tackles motherhood like a superhero.

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