Welcoming a baby into a family is maybe the happiest occasion in a person’s life. And nowadays, new parents tend to involve their whole family and friends in their plans as they eagerly anticipate the arrival of their new family member.
Shopping for the baby, preparing the nursery, organizing a baby shower is usually a few of the events that come before the baby, but for the last years there is another type of event that is becoming more and more popular, the gender reveal parties!

The family in our video is celebrating with their friends their future baby, they have organized a beautiful party to reveal to their loved ones the gender of the baby they’re expecting. This party is awfully important to them as their new baby comes after a loss they had previously experienced.

The video starts and we see that future parents are in the middle of their yard with a big box in front of them that probably holds the answer to the big question, “Is it a boy or a girl?”. We can safely assume that they would welcome and love the baby regardless the gender. We can only speculate that they may prefer to have a girl this time as they were already blessed with a handsome boy.
The future big brother is also actively participating in the gender reveal as he stands next to his mama and even confidently states that the baby is a girl. The little boy obviously is expecting a baby sister to love and protect. This is just so cute!

As the time grows nearer, the expecting mother asks her friends and family to play a guessing game along with them. She asks them to raise their hands if they believe is a girl and then raise their hands if they believe the baby is a boy. The audience speaks and the result is a draw.

Then the happy parents tell their loved ones to countdown from 5 as they are getting ready to open the gender-box. However, as they start the countdown, the dad stops them in the middle by going and retrieving something that he apparently had “forgotten”.

Here is the TWIST! The dad brings out another box that says “What about me?” that he puts next to the other one. Immediately some of the people present, get the meaning of this and they start happily to cheer.

Yet there seem to be some people who didn’t understand the meaning behind the second box and then is when the dad raises two fingers, making the victory sign, indicating that there isn’t only one baby but two! They are expecting TWINS!

The happy parents proceed to open the first box which reveals that the first baby is going to be a boy.

And then move on to the second box that reveals the arrival of a girl! What amazing news, their lovely family will grow by two members and they will have a boy and a girl.

These kinds of parties undoubtedly are quite unique and special as they will stay in the memories of the happy couple for the rest of their lives.

Also, as the party is being documented on a video, the twins will have the opportunity to see how much people loved and expected them even before they were born, a true blessing!
If you would like to see the whole gender reveal moment, check out the video below.
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